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Plz help ;-; Summon Spell


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Hello ;x... i'm tobi and my english isnt good xD


but... i have problem ;-;



i just wanna make script what will do:


1) when player will be inside TrigBox - Use Summon Spell ( X marker )

2) when player will kill every enemies - Start next wave

3) when player will die or he will win last wave


a) die - ( tp outside arena )

b) win - ( tp outside arena and give reward )


c) and every 4 wave player should can leave arena if he will want ofc. ;x...

( Gate will open and player will be able to leave - and he will get reward ;x... )




Summoning Spells i can do myself...


BUT.... how can i make Script what will do other ? :D





and maybe im stupid ( its true ;-; )

why this isn't work ? ;C...



Scriptname QLGCoin extends ObjectReference
SoulGem Property SoulGemGrand auto
Function OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(SoulGemGrand, 2, false)
Yes i wanna make Arena because i <3 this fking GOD place :D
Arena is best what games can have :D
Edited by TobiaszPL
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Okay, I think you just want an arena fighting/quest mod, in which case:


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50892/? But that alleges to be "DLC - sized."

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/79529/? But that's currently under moderator review for some reason.





If none of those do it for you, then I don't understand the request, and would recommend you post your query in the forum that supports your next best language.

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i know this mods ;x...


but i wanna make my own arena...

and i just wanna know how to make SCRIPT !...





1) How can i Spawn NPC ( on "X marker" )

2) How can i "TEST FOR NPC" something like -> "if(XXX==dead)nextwave();"

3) How can i add items ;x... because this script what i find in Google isnt good ;-;

4) How can i... ugh... -> "while(player.inside(XXX)){ - idk... just fight xD - }"


HELP xD !... ( in google i can't find help ;-; )...




now i think good idea can be download this mods and look on scripts ;x...



Look at image ;x...

Google: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzqj_nxR9j-JUVdDQXk0aTcyNzQ/view



Because i can't send img on this forum ;-; lel why ?...


wtf on this IMG should be "OpenGate();" not "EnterGate()" but fk it xD its only name ;x...



//Edit3: ( lel xD )

only theory code ;x...



OnActivate -> Start -> Arena;
enemydead(); NextWave(wave);
int wave=1;
int reward=50;
else if(wave%10==0)SummonBoss();
and i dont know how ;-;...
NextWave(int wave)
for summoning NPC on X Marker
OMFG !... where is TAB ? :D
now help me write script what will do this same what u have in this code xD
( code is looking like its looking - not my fault ) int N++ was everything good ;x...
Edited by TobiaszPL
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