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My NMM is doing a strange thing where I start to download a file it suddenly aborts the download and indicates that the download is "incomplete." This doesn't happen with every mod, but it seems to be a 50% chance that a mod won't download. If a mod can download, it will always be downloadable, if a mod doesn't download, it will never be downloadable.


I don't think it's necessary to post my load order, but I will do it if it's needed.


I have LOOT installed.

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I'm sorry, but the first time I ever installed NMM I looked at the program and was like "wtf this is harder than a manual installation" and then I simply never used it again. I've still enjoyed hundred of mods and this website, though.


Perhaps reinstall Skyrim or Verify the integrity of the game cache via Steam? Check to make sure you have the newest version of NMM, with all folders in their right place?


The only other way I can help you is by trying to incite you to try to do a manual installation. Once you learn where the appropriate files go and things like this, it will be a piece of cake and you have more control.

  • You can easily install, edit and combine mods manually without NMM.
  • You never have to deal with "Umm wtf my mods won't install" - Anything that gets messed up is either on you or the mod author.
  • Once you want to uninstall said mod(s), it's easy to fully delete all traces of it in your Skyrim game folder and undo any changes made manually.
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Sometimes just restarting your computer or a defrag can help. Sometimes the website is down in certain regions. If it isn't working at times, just manually install. Also, if you are trying to download overly large files, then NMM can't really handle them.

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