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Casting a Flora form as an ObjectReference

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I'm wanting to use Events and Functions that are intended for an ObjectReference on a Flora form (e.g. FloraMutfruit01). Unfortunately, I can't simply cast a Flora form as an ObjectReference, as it tells me that they're incompatible types (e.g. casting "FloraMutfruit01 As ObjectReference" just gives me errors, where FloraMutfruit01 is a Flora form). The only way that I've been able to use Events and Functions intended for an ObjectReference on a Flora form is by attaching a script directly to the Flora form. I'm assuming that this works because it Extends an ObjectReference (why this works and casting "FloraMutfruit01 As ObjectReference" doesn't, I have no idea). This allows me to substitute "Self" for casting "FloraMutfruit01 As ObjectReference" (and as I've said, the latter solution doesn't compile).


A working example of directly attaching the script to FloraMutfruit01 and using Self would be:

ScriptName AH_FLOR_FloraMutfruit01_Script Extends ObjectReference Const

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Const

Event OnInit()
    RegisterForDistanceLessThanEvent(akObj1 = PlayerRef, akObj2 = Self, afDistance = 100.0)

Event OnDistanceLessThan(ObjectReference akObj1, ObjectReference akObj2, Float afDistance)
    If (akObj1 == PlayerRef && akObj2 == Self)
        Debug.Notification("Distance < 100 units.")

Or at least, that's an extract from a larger script that only shows what I'm talking about. It compiles, so it should work in-game like the aforementioned larger script.


My issue is that I want to add this script to an alias, so that I can leave the vanilla form untouched (to maintain compatibility with other mods) and because I'll be doing this with 40+ other Flora forms, which would be a pain in the ass to do manually, and would feel sloppy. For greater specifics, you can see in this thread that I've made a Reference Alias using a FormList of the 40+ Flora forms that I plan to attach this script to. This means that the script Extends a ReferenceAlias, not an ObjectReference. As the script isn't directly attached to the Flora form, this means that I'm unable to use Self when attaching the script to an alias.


I also looked at adding the Flora forms as properties to a script that I directly attached to a quest, but I haven't had any luck with that either.


Any help would be appreciated, as I lack the experience to translate what I've done by directly attaching the script to the Flora form to an alias.

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Change to this :

    If (akObj1 == PlayerRef && akObj2 == Self.GetReference())
        Debug.Notification("Distance < 100 units.")

Then it will compile with reference alias script.

I think it`s because alias has no reference until it`s filled so it needs to get the reference of the filling object.

Edited by kitcat81
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  On 1/4/2017 at 1:34 AM, kitcat81 said:

Change to this :

    If (akObj1 == PlayerRef && akObj2 == Self.GetReference())
        Debug.Notification("Distance < 100 units.")

Then it will compile with reference alias script.

I think it`s because alias has no reference until it`s filled so it needs to get the reference of the filling object.


Things seem to be working now, thanks a lot mate :)


That's the second time I've felt like an idiot today - I've seen the ReferenceAlias related functions numerous times on the CK wiki, but I didn't think to take a look at them for whatever reason.

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  On 1/4/2017 at 1:54 AM, KernalsEgg said:


  On 1/4/2017 at 1:34 AM, kitcat81 said:

Change to this :

    If (akObj1 == PlayerRef && akObj2 == Self.GetReference())
        Debug.Notification("Distance < 100 units.")

Then it will compile with reference alias script.

I think it`s because alias has no reference until it`s filled so it needs to get the reference of the filling object.


Things seem to be working now, thanks a lot mate :smile:


That's the second time I've felt like an idiot today - I've seen the ReferenceAlias related functions numerous times on the CK wiki, but I didn't think to take a look at them for whatever reason.



That`s no wonder , it`s not always obvious what the CK wants from you. :smile:

When I get such types of errors and don`t know what can cause it, I just try all possible combinations until I find the proper one :tongue:. Here is my list of "As":

as form

as objectreference

as actor

as scriptname(if the object has attached scripts)

Self.GetReference() - in most cases helps with reference alias script.

Edited by kitcat81
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