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How to Transfer Skyrim Meshes/Textures to Oblivion?


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Yes I don't have the game skyrim but I was planning on buying it if I could successfully put the wolf mesh in the oblivion game.

Then that's different. If you'd come in and said that, rather than asking if someone would give you the mesh, then you'd have encountered a far less hostile reaction. People don't like piracy or anything resembling it 'round these parts, no siree.


- Edit - @ Septfox ... I'm crushed ... I'll type slower, I promise :whistling:

See that you do, or I'll have to do it for you. And you won't like that at all >: |

wait what

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wait, wait, wait, wait, a moment so if i get it right: i am allowed to use the texture of skyrim and put it in oblivion as long as i don't share it with others?

im confused please some1 help me on this one i'm not known with the law

Edited by olha2
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wait, wait, wait, wait, a moment so if i get it right: i am allowed to use the texture of skyrim and put it in oblivion as long as i don't share it with others?

im confused please some1 help me on this one i'm not known with the law


As long as you legally purchased both games, yes.

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Of course. You're free to do most anything you want with it; just no posting the converted file(s) on the Nexus or openly passing it/them to other members. The site owners don't want to get sued, and none of us want the Nexus to go down :\ Edited by Septfox
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Of course. You're free to do most anything you want with it; just no posting the converted file(s) on the Nexus or openly passing it/them to other members. The site owners don't want to get sued, and none of us want the Nexus to go down :\

Careful with this! I don't know about videos, but people were banned already for posting "images" depicting ripped content, which this would be.

I can't find it in the EULAs anymore (or can't find the EULAs themselves?), but Bethesda officials were regularly talking of the "usage" of assets from other games in their games being prohibited, not only their distribution!

There are modding projects also not distributing anything but requiring you to own both games at the same time, yet still they're not even allowed to be mentioned in public posts, as they're breaking the EULAs of both games nevertheless.

"It's only for personal use" is no excuse. If the EULA prohibits this "use", then you're breaking it by doing so. Likely no lawyer will ever come after you, but still it's not at all "right" either.


What I'm saying is, better ask a moderator or admin about the real stand on this from the rules, before you blindly post it and get into trouble later.

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That I'm saying is, better ask a moderator or admin about the real stand on this from the rules, before you blindly post it and get into trouble later.

Mm, probably a good idea just to be on the safe side. I withdraw my statement; you may want to PM one of the numerous officials prowling around before showing off the fruits of your labors, at least around here.


My personal feeling though, is if you own both games, you own a copy of the resources, and you should feel free to do as you please with them - regardless of the arbitrary restrictions set out by Bethesda. Even if you can't show off your work, if you feel that the result of it will enhance your game, you should still go through with it. Even if you fail, it'll still be a learning experience, perhaps leading to you creating your own freely-distributable materials.


Lastly, lets not confuse "right" with "legal". It is perfectly "right" to use something you have lawfully purchased, in any way that you see fit, even when it might not be necessarily "legal".

If I go out and buy a hamburger, I'm going to eat that hamburger like a boss, from any direction and using whichever method appeals to me, regardless of any idiotic laws that congress has passed which restrict methods of hamburger-consumption to a small pre-approved list. It may be unlawful to eat from the middle outwards, but it's my bloody 'amburger and I'll do with it what I please.

Also this will happen in the future, I'm calling it now. Congress passing laws regarding hamburger consumption, that is. Just watch.



My flagrant disregard for rules that I perceive as dumb or arbitrary is gonna get me banned and/or tazed one of these days...

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