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[LE] Add spell to player when first loaded

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Hi nexus,


I know this is a rookie question, but I've created 2 spells that I'd want the player to have the moment he starts the game with the mod enabled.

There is the option to set them as PC Start Spell, but it seems as if that does not work if tthe player has already progressed further into the game, at least I didn't get the spells on my high level character.


Also, with Papyrus working within an object-oriented environment, is there a class that all objects, including weapons and lights, inherit from, so I could declare 2 properties, set 1 to a weapon, the other one to a light-object, and be able to switch those properties on another instance where the script is used?


Thanks in advance,


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Pc Start spell simply doesn't work in skyrim, not just if the have progressed.


You have to make a quest, mark it as start game enabled and then you have two options:


A) player alias:


In the Object Window, navigate to Quest under the Character category. Create a new quest by right-clicking on the list and choosing 'New'. For this tutorial we will be naming the quest mymodQuest. Make sure that Start Game Enabled in the Quest Data tab is checked. Click on the Quest Alias tab, then right-click in the empty list and choose 'New Reference Alias'. We will name this alias PlayerAlias. In the Reference Alias window, under Fill Type, select the Specific Reference option and click the 'Select Forced Reference' button. Under Cell choose (any), and Ref should default to PlayerRef (Player). If not, select it from the dropdown menu.



Then add the spells to that alias.


B) script on fragment of the first stage:

This is the function to use:


How to use script fragments its explained in this part of the wiki's quest tutorial:



Regarding the other question, yes, form covers all of them. This is the tree: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Script_Objects

but ck doesn't let you fill form properties, only its children if i remember right, so it's not very handy, maybe you can fill them in tes5edit.

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