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Nonhostiles Have a Chance of Spawning in Cleared Areas


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I want to win the Commonwealth.


In my playthrough, The General has stalked the enemies of the people of the Commonwealth to the point where it makes no logical sense for there to be any foolish enough to face him. Like, triple digit level and not through Act 1.


I'd like a mod where after an area has been cleared, there's a small (maybe 5%? Natural 20?) chance that it would end up in the hands of a non hostile faction. They can still be "cleared" like any other group in an area, but will most likely be unnamed settlers, with maybe a small chance of BoS, MM, Atom Cats, etc. Nothing fancy, no messing with the gore bag scenery or anything, just a nonzero chance that after me and my XO Garvey roll through Quincy again, we find that maybe the Gunners ain't coming back, and we have some nice settlers for neighbors now.

Edited by wpfouts
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