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Need to edit Sven's (MOS) head mesh


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Alright, I have:

Sven's FaceGenData texture: 0001347F.dds;

Sven's head mesh: 0001347F.nif, which I can import to RaceMenu, but it looks ugly;

Besides I have "SvenMOS.npc" file, which I made using console "spf" command.

And I have a problem with his nose bridge:



I love the shape of his nose, but I don't like the hubble on the upper part of the bridge.

It's a common place. I often have to use RM sculpting to smoothen this kind of fubbles. It requires an editing not only the very head part, but also the brows (see the nif pic).

So, I am confused a bit on how can I edit Sven's face once and for all.

BTW, Onmund is waiting for editing as well...

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