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HELP!!!... Please dear Nexus,would it be,at all,possible to assign translations of files to a new category?? every time i log on i look at "Recent files" and it is swarmed with translations to every goddamn language in the known universe ( well,not Klingon but,anyway) can Translations PLEEEEASE be moved to a separate category?? excellent new mods risk being drowned and undiscovered due to the sheer amount of translations,i do NOT bash the authors and enthusiasts who make these translations,i applaud them,but... the chance for a NEW mod or file to be doomed to Oblivion due to the myriads of translations is real.. and it would be a pity.. thank you for listening

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Use Block content feature.


1. Click "Block content"




2. Check the tag "Translation".




3. Click "Block these tag"




Keep it mind:

It can NOT filter those mods If mod author(uploader) doesn't tag it as translation.

In this case, We need 3 people to tag and make it pass the threshold.

I always post this when I found any translation mod. If anyone wants to help, you can copy-paste my comment.


Can someone go to TAGS section and vote for Translation tag?

We need 3 votes to pass the threshold.





Edited by azzendix
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