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Your heroes for mod, living or dead


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I have plans for a mod that adds a ton of new content, I dont want to reveal much as to not give away my ideas.

Basically its a mod that adds new things happening in the world, from other heroes levelling up and making a name for themselves to those already fallen in battle.


So I ask people to leave a post here, describing the background of your hero (which can be as long as you like, as a book can be added to their inventory in game with all their details etc)

I dont mind alive or dead heroes (so their body can stay forever in the mod, with all items and equipment ect)

Youll need to say what they were carrying (no god weapons or armour please) and the stats of any enchantments etc that they have (again only vanilla stats, no god like items as they can be taken at any level)

Leave some background and info on how they died.

If your character is still living, then they will be moving from town to town etc in the mod. Or if they have a specific place they like to hang out, are an evil necromancer that only comes out at night to do some grave digging, or if they have the dark brotherhood after them I can script a fight between them and an assassin etc. Maybe they are a known thief, so when you enter a town for the first time they are fleeing from the guards. They can be put into any scenario, so please request any scenario you think would be good if you want your character as a living one.



So for example, I had a vampire that fell to his death in blackreach, so in the mod you would find him dead at the bottom somewhere in ebony armour with some info on his adventures he had.

Not all characters that are submitted will be put into the mod, but most will.

And remember to decribe in detail the scars, facepaint and hair features etc, or just post a screenshot of their face would be helpful too

Edited by thelonewarrior
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I am all for this, I shall get my char details up soon, I can also provide some voice acting for my NPC.

It would not feel right having him walk from town to town only to sound like a guard, or have no speech at all.


I support this mod, and will be keeping and eye on it.


Out of curiosity, have you done scripting before, be it oblivion CK, or the GECK?

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Yes ive scripted a lot with fallout 3 and new vegas, making actual mods.

I started off in oblivion making some personel scripts etc.


But I made a mod based on the heroes TV series for fallout 3 (which required many hours of banging my head against the wall trying to get scripts to work)

But after that I went on to make a large mod for new vegas that added tons of new areas and also made the Hell on Earth silent hill mod for new vegas which is where most of my scripting knowledge comes from as there were a lot of scripted events for that

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Sorry , thelonewarrior,


I was not trying to have a competition or anything with you, I just wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing is all.

We always have people posting mods that never get finished, so its nice to know im submitting something that will turn into a mod.

Rather than making a post that never gets looked at :P


Heres the info for you old chap.







Alfmer, A level 20 high elf, is a Thalmor agent on his 1st trip to Skyrim.

This agent is here on special requests of the highest order, to seek out all the texts of Skyrim.

Often found talking to locals in towns, asking about books, before heading out to explore.


Alfmer is special in his own way, he seeks to learn more about the Skyrim culture.

About Skyrims people, her places and her traditions.

It would be nice if the player oculd trade books with Alfmer, and if he was protected outside of town with a Thalmor guard or something.





Magika - 350, Health - 154, Stamina, 130,

Sneak - 54, Destruction , 68, Lockpicking, 42,

Restoration - 27, Alteration - 23, Enchanting - 27,

Smithing, 22, heavy Armor - 16, Block - 17,

Two-handed - 16, One Handed - 33,

Archery - 28, Illusion - 27, Conjuration - 27.


The stead stone.


Wears -

Black hooded robes - Magika regenerates 70% faster.

Thalmor gloves.

Thalmor Boots.






Well, thats it.

As stated I can give voice overs for him while he is in town, however, I think you will want to wait for the CK before we start that ? :)

Edited by AllanOcelot
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  • 3 weeks later...

This sounds awesome! but if you chose my character pleas notify me as i think of her as mine character and my story.



My char is:

Name: Sheyla Witchborn

Gender: Female

Race: Imperial

Class: Witch, assassin (uses two twin daggers and a bow when she dont use magic)

Favorite Spells: Chain Lightning, Firebolt, Icy Spear, Incinerate and Lightning Storm

wants: More Power

Goals in Life: ascsend to godhood (becoming Goddess)

belives in: herself

good/evil: most people would marke her as an evil character but she think of herself as one of the goodguys.






Sheyla Witchborn was born in a small town in cyrodiil under tragic ways. in her blood are there strong and strange magic so soon after her birth she killed all people in the house incuding her mum, dad and bigger brother with a magic as old as tamriel that was the first and last time she did use that magic(because she dont know how). al the people in the town hated her except for two people a father and his son that adopted her. when she was 15 she and her adopted brother/Dalar (that was one year older) did run away because they had hear about adventures and a life of exitment. they lived a poor life after that and they were often hungry but after a year they did join a merc group that was lead by a charismatic and strong man and they did soon look at him like a father. he trained them in the ways of the assassins but after three years the leader of the group was killed in a batle with the thalmors. the merc grup was no more as it did split up in minor groups that almost all turned into bandit bands and sheyla and Dalar (adoptive brother) lived with one of those in half a year before they had enoch of it. after some month they did hear about truble in skyrim (and Sheyla did hear a strange rumor that she would gain more power there if she went) and they decided to go there. but as they crossed the border they was attaced by an imperial gardison and separated.she was sent to the executions togheter with ulfric. She blames not the imperial for trying to cut of her head in the executions and even help them destroy the rebelion because an united empire is stronger and wil give her more powerful rewards (the way she sees it) and it will help the battle against the thalmors. so no she roams the land of skyrim looking for Dalar and more power.

Edited by elricshan
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  • 2 weeks later...

shal i send the save file so you do not need to recreate the caracter from a pic?


Yes that would be great thanks, youll also have the great honour of having the first (apart from my character) named NPC submission to the mod.

If you want to upload the save here and ill download it from the nexus later and take a look if you leave a link thanks

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'Scuse me, are we allowed a small amount (more than one, less than four-five) characters? I assume some people have made characters with close relations-like my Argonian brothers Mire and Knoll. I'd assume that some people will have






and other kinds of relationships. Maybe some people have their own little groupof characters, like a caravan.


I'm just wondering if, within reason, you'd allow more than one character-per person when appropriate?

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'Scuse me, are we allowed a small amount (more than one, less than four-five) characters? I assume some people have made characters with close relations-like my Argonian brothers Mire and Knoll. I'd assume that some people will have






and other kinds of relationships. Maybe some people have their own little groupof characters, like a caravan.


I'm just wondering if, within reason, you'd allow more than one character-per person when appropriate?


Yes I believe we can stretch to 3 or more if you like, I myself plan on adding a few (mostly dead characters) so yes feel free to post a few

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the armor she uses most is the black sacrament one (mod) in hard battles she uses the ebony one.

are an assasin batlemage that dual wealds two daggers or uses magic


i just made a download page




she is dark brotherhood so i think she can be seen in the new sanchuary after the main guild quest.

Edited by elricshan
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