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Your heroes for mod, living or dead


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great idea, i would like to see my heroe on your mod :) but you can change his stats to fit your mod.

HE is a thief, he can be also spawned with a thief guild armor. He could spawn randomly during the night to steal cheese in cities, drink in The Bannered Mare in whiterun (and talking to saadia) or in riften inside the thief guild...

He also like to track and kill falmers.







Weapon is from jaysus s swords mod but he can wear ebony s bow and one handed glass sword instead




HE really have a thing for cheese and usualy carry or store them!



sorry for my bad english



Born from the union of an human nord and a dark elf female, Lavrus got a very hard life during his youth in skyrim and was often bullied by other nords skyrim childrens.

After an incident where his mother and father died during a falmer attack near downstar(the scar on his face is the result of this attack), the young Lavrus decided he would become someone strong to protect whoever he would love in the futur.

After few years sneaking in dongeons, hunting wild foxes and stealing some cheeses (his favorite food), he met a thief who learned him the basics of pickpocketing and then became a member of the thief guild in riften.

He ATE falmers because of what they done to his family and sneak attack any of them close of him (one of his life goal is the destruction of all the falmer underground tribes).The war in skyrim between the imperial and the nords is not really his concern but if he had to choose he would probably stick with the empire.He is in love with Saadia of WhiteRun and he often go to visit her at The Bannered Mare.


link to the savegame


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Varian Stormcloak


Character info

Name: Varian Stormcloak


Class:Unarmed combat( up to u if u want to make it stronger) i use the unarmed combat mod and it come with invisible knuckle and the gloves on the picture from darksider mod.

Position:Commander of Stormcloak( He is related to Ulfric) I can be patroling around skyrim hunting down imperial or you can set me a camp =D..your choice


i lost one of my eyes when the Dark Brotherhood attempt to ambush.. thats all..you can do whatever u want i just want my name and look to stay the same =D

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Hm. Can I be a bad guy boss, sort of like a bandit chief with a roaming warband?


Varh'gek Bonecrusher


My character is a level 36 orc barbarian named Varh'gek. His family and most of his clan was murdered by a Nord group known as the Companions at a very young age. He and a few others from his clan escaped and sought shelter in the Nord town of Windhelm, but were bullied cast out. Soon after they were forced to live as bandits or starve in the harsh wilderness of Skyrim. These actions molded Varh'gek into what he became: a murderous orc with a hatred for all that were not orcs.


Ever since, he and his band of orc marauders wander the land, brutally murdering anyone that happens to cross their path. They could also have a camp somewhere as well, if you'd like. When they're not killing humans, they do what they know best: kill other things.


His skin is technically very dark purple/black (with color mod), but just make him the darkest skin color you can, with the red skull facepaint and dark red hair. The rest of his warband should have red facepaint too. His two-handed and heavy armor skills are at around 50, his sneak skill is 32. The rest aren't anything special. He uses the Steel Warhammer of Burning (base damage 41) and wears enchanted orcish armor (whatever kind you want). If you need more, let me know :)




Edited by m3rcurymorbid
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Hm. Can I be a bad guy boss, sort of like a bandit chief with a roaming warband?


Varh'gek Bonecrusher


My character is a level 36 orc barbarian named Varh'gek. His family and most of his clan was murdered by Nords when he was young and thus he has had a grudge with them and anyone who is associated with them since. He and his band of orc marauders wander the land, brutally murdering anyone that happens to cross their path. They could also have a camp somewhere as well, if you'd like.


His skin is technically very dark purple/black (with color mod), but just make him the darkest skin color you can, with the red skull facepaint and dark red hair. The rest of his warband should have red facepaint too. His two-handed and heavy armor skills are at around 50, his sneak skill is 32. The rest aren't anything special. He uses the Steel Warhammer of Burning (base damage 41) and wears enchanted orcish armor (whatever kind you want). If you need more, let me know :)





Yes your orc could be a 'bad' guy, I may save that character until I release the other file that has the 'hostile' random encounters, so he will be patrolling the lands with a couple of bandits, attacking anyone he sees :-)

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http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n496/VitoScaletta/2012-02-08_00003.jpgHe should be easy to recreate I don't have the save anymore but I have a screenshot)

Name: Razak

Skills:One Handed 80,Sneak 50,Rest are rubbish


Items:Blades Sword,roughspun tunic,300 Gold,

Razak is a mystery, he wanders the lands of Skyrim looking poor to the common eye of the races in Skyrim. The only thing he has which people notice is the Blades Katana hanging from his waist. Even tho Razak looks like nothing he will swifly remove a head in the blink of an eye. The people who do know him do not question him and just leave him to his peace as he wanders to inns at night.


He got the silver sword from his child hood when he lived in Cyrodiil which was not long ago. One day Razak was by a sewer just outside of the Imperial city when he heard footsteps rushing out of it then the iron gate flinged open and a lone figure appeared. Razak looked at him shocked to see this man holding this fine detailed blade stained with blood at the point. The man looked down at Razak and dropped the sword in front of him and headed off. Razak stared at the sword for quite a while thinking of the punishments he would get from his Dark Elf Parents, so he picked it up and headed to the lands of Skyrim looking for a decent future and not to be controlled by the Imperials.

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Here is the new hero i started to play few days ago.


again sorry for my english



Jacques Bonvivant, born breton in a little inn of daggerfall. He is 14 when he discover an article in the journal "The empire time" about a famous chef "le gourmet".

He soon became attracted with cooking and started a school to become a chef. At 29 after graduating he started to work in the famous restaurant "Le rocher" in the The Imperial City of Cyrodiil.

One day,a famous critic came in his kitchen and told him his food is terrible.Jacques the face red , his eyes injected of blood, took a knife and stabbed the poor critic to death.

Jacques escaped from an arrest and ran away to skyrim where he decided he will adventure in the wild in the search of the best ingredient to create a dish even "le gourmet" could not best.

He Soon learned to use fire magic, to cook his enemies alive and learned to use bold weapon and his favorite, an ebony mass he called "la baguette".With this mass he can crush the bones of fish and

wild beast to tendre the meat or crush the skull of some stupid bandit trying to attack him....


Jacques have an admiration for "le gourmet" but dream in secret to rip his heart appart and cook it for dinner.






would be nice to see him in the wild, searching for some ingredient or in some inn with a group of bandit, molesting the inn keeper trying to find where is the gourmet.

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ed:Updated and refined a few things will be trying Mod when possible.




Found your mod...and seems like a very interesting and cool idea, so I'll be checking it out when I am not about ready to go zonk.


However wanted to get this outta the way, especially since the idea of seeing other peoples heroes in my game, and others possibly seeing mine, I find really really interesting. Though I do have to ask one thing: If you do use any of those offered here, will you be giving credit to us? >.>

Soooooo without further ado, my submissions for your perusal...you can choose one or both...or neither if they don't seem that great o.o

And let me know if you would prefer to have Save Games of them...I can do clean (No Mods) Saves to upload for you if you wish....just let me know.




21 - Imperial


Important Stats:

1h - 34

Archer - 58

Sneak -71

Light Armor -40

Lockpicking - 41

Alchemy -32

Speech - 31



Forsworn Bow

Steel Arrows

2 Orcish daggers

Dark Brotherhood Armor


Prefered fighting style:

Hit and Run with the Bow, Daggers only when cornered.

Relies heavily on poisons.


Basic Bio:

Born in Cyrodiil to an Alchemist of a small town and a farmer's daughter, her name at birth was Maria Talanian. Her family moved from Cyrodiil to Skyrim when she was still young, settling in the town of Rorikstead finally, and while never stating a reason there were rumors that the death's of the neighbors cats had something to do with it. In Rorikstead her father continued to ply his trade with help from the young Maria, even though a store was never opened. With Maria spending more of her time with her Father, it soon became apparent that she had some skill in alchemy, and that while she had an interest she lacked any interest in crafting potions that helped people. Instead she found a knack for crafting poisons. As she grew older her parents became fearful of the direction her experiments were taking, finally deciding to give the then teen girl the boot from their home. And while they didn't wish to have the developing poisoner in their house, they still cared for their daughter and so gave her a dagger and bow and quiver to protect herself and small pouch of gold to start a new life elsewhere. It was during these years of wandering and trying to find her way that the girl found that outside of Alchemy she was increasingly skillful at putting a poisoned arrow into animals...or even bandits...at a good distance, and indeed she came to enjoy challenging herself to see how far she could be from a mark and still hit it, or even how unnoticed she could go. The fact she rarely used her talents for money, and even when she had pack full of meat already, hinted at her love of dealing death. Those that heard of her skill and knack for death dealing started to contact her when they wanted something or someone killed, and didn't want the stigma of performing the black sacrement. It wasn't long til she caught the notice of the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim, especially as they saw her as taking some contracts that could have potentially have been theirs. Joining with them she now specializes in contracts that allow for or demand a kill at range. She also dropped her true name in favor of the Moniker Anaesthesia when she joined with the Dark Brotherhood, and over the years she managed to weed out those few that could still connect her to her old name.



(I play with a few mods, unloaded them for the profile picture)







Mina the Apprentice

12 -Breton


Important Stats:

Destruction - 36

Conjuration - 30

Enchanting - 43

Alteration - 22

Restoration - 21

One Handed - 31

Light Armor - 21

Alchemy -28



Novice Hood

Novice Robes of Destruction



Lots of Soul gems

Healing and Magicka Potions


Enchanted Gear:

Mina's Apprentice Ring - Silver Ring - 4% Magicka Regen

Mina's Apprentice Boots - Fur Boots - 3% Fortify One Handed

Mina's Apprentice Gauntlets - Fur Gauntlets - +8 Magicka

Mina's Novice Amulet - Silver Necklace - 2% Destruction

Mina's Sword - Steel Sword - 2 sec Soul Trap

Mina's Blade - Steel Sword - Absorb 5 Health


Preferred fighting style:

One Handed sword (Soul Trap) and Flames spell in off hand, switching off hand to Healing when hurt, or to Second sword when out of Magicka.


Basic Bio:

Born a Breton in the Reach she grew up always feeling the mistrust of others as most seemed content to lump all Reach born Bretons in with the Forsworn. As she got older she finally grew tired of the attitudes of others in the city of Markarth and simply took up what few belongings she had and left, at first she didn't know where else to go but she was determined not to stay in Markarth or the Reach and definitely not joining the Forsworn. She eventually heard of the Mage's College in Winterhold and spent what last few coins she had to make the trip there. Now part of the college she gladly spends most of her days either in the College grounds perfecting her Spells and Enchanting techniques or wandering the roads between Winterhold, Windhelm, and Whiterun, looking for Alchemy ingredients, target practice, and wolves and other citters to fill up her Soul Gems.







And just more pictures with mods enabled this time though, Included action shots to kinda give you an idea of fighting style....and plus I just think they look nifty >.>












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Name: D'Laren

Gender: Male

Race: Redgaurd

Class: Restoration Mage (ArchMage of Winterhold)

Level: 40

Favorite Spells: Heal Other, Close Wounds, Grand Healing, Chain Lightning

Goal: To Bring Hope

Personality: Warm Hearted

Routine: If my character was added to your mod, ideally, he would wander skyrim looking to heal all who are in need.




D'Laren was wrongly accused of siding with Ulfric Stormcloak to overthrow The Empire. After escaping Helgen, D'Laren found himself in a new land that desperately needed his aid.



Amulet Of Akatosh

ArchMage Robes (blue)

Ring of Resurgence (80% Magicka Regen)

Boots (Increased Carrying capacity by 30)

Bracers (Fortify Magicka 36 points)

Silver Sapphire Savior Circlet (Magicka Regen 36%)



Restoration 83

Alteration 76

Destruction 70



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