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Your heroes for mod, living or dead


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I was hoping to submit 2 characters to add to your mod.


The first character's name is Noctem. He should be a short (young) Male Nord similar to Mel from Fallout 3 in the way that you would encounter him randomly on a road and he would try to rob you. You would then have the option to tell him to go bother someone else where he would attack you, persuade him to join you, or intimidate him where he would run away but eventually try to attack you again. He should be a low level (1-5) and have the same sort of gear as a bandit. When he eventually dies or is killed his body would have a note on it telling him to go to a specific location, triggering a misc. quest. Upon arriving where the note said to go, you would be greeted by the second character: Aurora. She wants to know why you came instead of Noctem, who turns out to be her little brother. If you be honest and tell her that you were attacked by him, she would understand and let you leave in peace, vowing revenge against all of the bandits in skyrim, and would be seen later attacking bandit forts around the landscape.


This is Aurora as you meet her after following her brother's note



If you're wondering how she could possibly put up a fight against entire bandit camps...


Aurora is a lvl 57 Nord

Her stats are



Light Armor- 100

Sneak- 100

Lockpicking- 73

Pickpocket- 37

Speech- 53

Alchemy- 50

Illusion- 76

Conjuration- 28

Destruction- 100

Restoration- 50

Alteration- 62

Enchanting- 55

Smithing- 100

Heavy Armor- 40

Block- 39

Two-handed- 100

One-handed- 100

Archery- 60


Shadow Stone Power


Magicka- 350

Health- 260

Stamina- 250



and she looks like this when she is attacking bandits



She uses a Blade of Woe, Nightingale Bow, and Nord Hero Arrows, along with a full set of Unholy Black Sacrament equipment (besides Shadowscale Black Sacrament Armor) and expert destruction spells.

All the gear (besides bow) was reinforced with 250 smithing skill (potions and enchantments)

Her fighting style is to pick off archers with her bow, use invisibility/shadow stone to enter the camp, backstab the strongest enemy and then take on the weaker ones. Heals with fast healing spell if critically injured, otherwise scarf enchantment increases health regen by 75%


Uploaded Aurora to nexus if you wish to download





I hope they can find a spot in your mod.


btw if you're worried about people getting that level of equipment by pickpocketing or looting it if she dies, you could copy and change the stats of the gear with the Creation Kit and set it so it is unusable by the player.

Edited by taitn
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it's a good idea but as of now my character is a lv 50 nord assassin with 100 in archery, 100 sneaking, 73 light armor, till the dark brotherood and thief guild he was the typical beefy northman so i have 94 in 2 hands and 90 in heavy armor, ench and smithing 100, good in both one hand and shield, almost nothing except destruction and recover magic wise (the fact that i'm archmage doesn't change that my player hates magic :D)


my player is a beefy nord called Eddard Stark, i made him to resemble sean bean from game of thrones, but asoiaf lore ends here

he is the archer type, the bow i use is called Alduin's Breath, is enchanted with paralysis and fire damage, my secondary weapon is a dragonbone greatsword with ice and electric

the weapons are aeonvita's, the armor is dragonscale with archery and sneak ench

i sometime use the meherunes razor when i sneak right under the enemy's nose

health 320, stamina 270 mag 200

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Hey there. First of all: already using the mod and so far I really like it - and the whole idea for it. Keep up the good work. :)


Secondly, I thought I'd submit my character as well, especially since there hasn't been a Khajiit posted yet. I could imagine her as either a simple addition "hanging around" Riften (doing whatever you see fit) or just roaming the lands on her way to fulfill a contract, but she could also be connected to either the Thieves Guild or the Dark Brotherhood or encountered just "randomly" attacking someone who has a contract on them, trying to steal from the player, etc. ("evil NPC faction?!"). I'm not really picky as long as it fits with her character, so whatever you'd see fit.


Here you go:




Name: Layali

Gender: female

Race: Khajiit

Visual characteristics: White fur. Darkbrown "Tiger" markings. Darkbrown hair. Gold earrings. Scar across nose. Light blue eyes.

Class: Assassin/Thief

Current Level: 45

Favorite Weapons: Bow. Poison.

Secondary Weapon: not shy to use her claws if cornered.

Favorite Armor: Triss Armor Recolor or Nightingale Armor. Could be changed to Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood Armor or alike.

Combat-Skills: Archery, Light Armour.

Other Skills: Sneak, Persuasion, Lockpicking, Alchemy + Pickpocket.

Favorite Hangouts: Riften, the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, and wherever the next contract might take her.



As most Khajiit, Layali's roots lie in the province of Elsweyr. Born into a tribe of Tojay residing in the Tenmar Forest, near Senchal, she grew up in a culture were thieving and the harvest as well as export of Moon Sugar are common ways of making a living. However, as Layali grew older she soon came to realize that life as a „common thief“ wasn't exactly how she wanted to spend the rest of her days. A dream was born - and finally realised, after a youth of severe training and studying: making the long way to Skyrim, gaining membership to the Dark Brotherhood and bringing glory to this new family. [Optional – but in my play as it explains both guild memberships:] But as is often the case not all legends are just as glorious when viewed up close. The Dark Brotherhood is far from former days grand style and it looks like it will take a while for them to regain it, if they ever will, but a girl has to make a living.. and she does come from a tribe of thieves..


Two more pictures:

1) http://i44.tinypic.com/263u69k.jpg <- showing facial structure ("Tiger" preset, I believe, with only a few slight tweaks)

2) http://i41.tinypic.com/avk95z.jpg <- and "skin" color better as especially this often looks "off" and not white/light grey at all depending on in-game lighting.

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Name: Tobias Brynjolfr-Sedrethi

Gender: Male

Race: Half-elf, Dunmer and Nord (human flesh-colored Dunmer)*, Vampire

Distinguishing Characteristics: Straight, long black hair with braided bangs (HairMaleNord02), beard-moustache-goatee (trimmed), scar under right eyes, "blind" colorless right eye

Voice: anyone voiced by Stephen Russell, a.k.a. the "maleslycynical" voice option (i.e. the voices of Cynric Endell, Dark Brotherhood Initiate 1 [male], Mercer Frey, Lucan Valerius, Belethor, etc.)


Class: Assassin/Nightblade/Thief

Current Level: 70, but you can modify this however you wish

Attributes: Health [Above Average], Magicka [Average], Stamina [Above Average], possibly a 2S:2H:1M progression build

Primary Skills [Expert+]: Alchemy, Alteration, Destruction, Illusion, Light Armor, One-Handed, Sneak

Secondary Skills [Adept+]: Archery, Conjuration, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, Restoration, Speech

Standing Stone Ability: Atronach


I've prepared a save file, some screenshots, two backstories for books (one of them is quite long and likely very cliche, so yeah...), and some additional info in his inventory, etc.. Hopefully mediafire is acceptable: http://www.mediafire...vy2t2u93s7cjwib .

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