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Images-Section: Improvement Suggestions


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Right now there are over 20.000 Skyrim images and they get more every second - some of us "screenshot"-addicts/artists or whatever you may call us would be very thankful for more options and possiblities to show off our talent - and get recognition...



here are some suggestions which could improve the images-section for both users and uploaders:


How about adding a few more image-categories like: Portrait, Landscape, Dragons, Creatures/Animals, Magic, Art, Edited/Improved Images (photoshopped), Night, Dungeon, Cities...

- the "Aesthetics"-category is quite overrun



maybe a "images of the day + week" list with the most viewed and endorsed (10 or 25)...



and please add a "favorite-button" - to save great images you have seen (right now you have to download them or you will never find them again)



a "search-function" in the image section would also be great (and maybe an option to add tags to your images)



a list of most endorsed image-uploaders (and/or a statistic for every author about how many endorsments all his/her images combined have gotten,..)



an option for the image-uploader to choose which 5 of his images he wants shown in the "other images of this uploader"-list (=his favorite pictures)





Please, think about my suggestions! Screenshots can be an art-form and should be treated like that!





(I hope my english wasn't too bad,...)




Kind regards, Willow

Edited by 83Willow
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Hi Willow


Reading your topic I realised that I thought the same things many times. There are many little improvements that can be introduced.


Those are my suggestions:

- distinction between edited and unedited pics (personally i upload unedited pics, just because i'm not so good with photoshop;-) )

- a better image sorting system, non-sequential, divided by upload date, for a better navigation


I like your suggestion for the image of the day-week, the search function (not only for the pics even for the authors), the option to choose your 5 favourite pics shown in your profile.


Forever "screenshoting" !!



P.S. My english is worst! Thanks Google translate, I love you :)

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There is a top screen shots section already or are you thinking here something more up to date posting time wise ? I also look at raw shots and photo shopped scenes differently but do like to see both types , so not too fussed there as long as i can tell which is which ..sometimes I can not due to not being all that techy minded.


I like the favourite button idea..often I see a pic and have a real hard struggle to find it again due mostly to the amazing amount of scenes being posted to the Skyrim section., this would also work nicely with the tagging idea and so on to make scenes easier to find.


The poster being allowed to choose her/his own top 5 picccies sounds interesting but the thing is Robin would not probably want his programmers working on this side show to the main event which on Nexus is the mods. It is why folk usually come there and account for most of his traffic , and also why I do like to be positive about mod scenes as hopefully it encourages the author to keep going even if that particular mod does not suit me..their next mod might :)


I do really like looking at the scenes.. even ones i am not overly keen on show me something..and then some do look like art to me and move me.. as mentioned I love the scenes section but possibly it is not of the greatest concern for things to be "done" for the site owner. You can see why but perhaps in time when he has a quiet moment :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My current issue with the top images portion of the imageshare is that 2+ week old images stay up there if they keep getting endorsements, leading to a lot of extra endorsements while newer images that get a good amount of endorsements when first posted, but don't get enough before they get pushed back so far in the imageshare that no one is looking at them anymore.


I thought the top 25 were those that got the most endorsements in a one or two week period. If an image is older then 2 weeks, then it should be removed so other images, and other posters have a better chance of getting their work up. I've seen some of the same images up there for a loooong time, so I'm beginning to wonder if the system is changed somehow, or something is broken.


And I like the idea of some more options with the imageshare (namely catagories, although I admit I'm guilty of not being specific in my labeling), even though the primary focus of the site is the mods. Screenshot of the month and other things? Sure, why not - oftentimes they're modders too.

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