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Dragonling swarms?


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After watching the video below (ignoring the 'macho man' mod aspect of the video), I thought it would be pretty epic to run into 'swarms' of dragons...after actually thinking it through I realised how much that would utterly destroy you.


As the dragons are said to be returning, I would assume dragonlings would be around also? As they would essentially be down-sized dragons, you could have them hit you in swarms similar to this video, potentially being as dangerous as an actual dragon encounter. Dragonlings were in Elder Scrolls II and are capable of breath attacks even as 'young', so there is even some lore to base this on.



"They can be calmed by speakers of Dragonish." - you could even add a custom dragon shout aimed to calm them, make them flee, or make one a pet?




Edit: found that the Midas Magic mod has a summon dragonling spell.


Edited by MonkeyBoy24
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I predict that Budz42 will be responding to this in 3... 2...


He does have a rather obscene way of being everywhere Dragons are mentioned, doesn't he?


Also, Macho Dragons. YEAH!!!

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