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Armor texture issue


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Hey everybody!


I have a newb question about modding.


I got permission to alter someone else's mod and I planned on just changing the texture. This mod is a full armor set with changed meshes that ultimately replaces the dark brotherhood armor. My question is that when I change th texture it won't show up in the game instead it stays as if I never changed it.


But when I remove the meshes folder the armor doesn't fit right but the texture change I made now shows up, the mod is the Ranger Assassin armor set, if you search it on skyrim nexus you will find it.


If there is an easy fix I can do that would be great!


Thanks for reading!

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open the .nif file in Nifskope and check the paths for the texture files, you'll probably find the YOU are putting textures in the 'default' directory, so without the modded mesh, the game finds your textures, however the modded version of the mesh probably has the texture paths set to a non-default location (such as a directory with the authors name or something) so you may need to update those paths or rename your files to match the original mod


texture paths

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