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[LE] Custom shout; Delay between first and second/third words

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I've been working on my first mod. It creates a custom shout with a few .wav files. I've successfully gotten the shout to work in-game, and the .wav files play, but there is a huge (5 seconds or so) delay between the first word and the second/third words.


At first I thought this was because the first wav file had some silence at the end, but I checked and it doesn't. I also considered it being script delay, but I doubt it because it's the exact same length of delay every time, and nothing else in the game lags.


I made the mod by:


-creating a shout

-creating 3 spells, and attaching to shout

creating 3 magic effects, and attaching to spells

-creating 3 sound descriptors

-creating a quest that uses the sound descriptors

-attaching the quest to the magic effects through a condition


I noticed that when the player is shouting, turning left and right causes the player to also turn left and right, even when you're not moving. My character turns left and right during the delay, so the game seems to recognize the delay as part of the shout. Again, implying that it's silence in the sound file, even though I checked that.


Any ideas?

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Hi hurtwolf777,


I have not yet worked with other sound files than voice. Am I getting that right, you have the delay between the spells, that are attached to the shout? And not only sound delay but while casting? If it's only the sound, you could merge the files to one wav.

But I think, the delay is because of the three spells. I don't know if it is possible to let them act in one movement without delay.

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