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Need default textures folder


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Hey fellaz !


As for installing mods, rule number one is to make a backup of the data folder, or at least the textures folder.


But i was too dumb and and overenthuasastic, so I didn't do that and installed lots of mods, and now I'm getting CTD's in some places, for example when i walk from ivarstaed towards windhelm, and don't use the roads, but take the big cliff down straight towards windhelm, it crashes every time. My guess is that too many textures are loaded (I'm using Skyrim HD 1.2), so you see i can't fix my problem because all my default texturefiles are overwritten, and I Dumbass forgot the backup. The crashes happen around the ways to windhelm or when I pass Riverwood in the direction to Falkreath.


Of course when somebody knows a possible solution, I'm eager to hear that !

Mods I'm using: Skyrim HD, Skyboost r3, Improved NPC clothing, No blocky faces, Detailed Faces, High quality Eyes, Realistic Water, FXAA injector with immersive Environment, Enhanced Nights, Flora Overhaul, Enhanced Distant Terrain, Enhanced Blood, Sky UI, and the mod which makes fire and smoke better looking (forgot the name)


And Gridstoload=9, but that ran stable for 120 hours.


My Question: Does anybody know where i can download the default texture folder or even someone makes the Jesus Move and upload his backup folder, to rapidshare or megaupload ?


That would be awesome !


Edit: I see it's the wrong subforum sorry ! should be in troubleshooting...


Best Regards

Edited by Rigolyo
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Actually, your default textures are stored in teh Textures.bsa. What you have in the data/textures folder are ALL overrides. if you want to bring the game back to completely vanilla/default, delete the textures, meshes, and interface folders from Data. There ya go, default Skyrim.
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  • 2 years later...

Actually, your default textures are stored in teh Textures.bsa. What you have in the data/textures folder are ALL overrides. if you want to bring the game back to completely vanilla/default, delete the textures, meshes, and interface folders from Data. There ya go, default Skyrim.

i do not have the Textures.bsa file D:


Edit: And i'm trying to uninstall the tropical skyrim mod

Edited by SpottedLeaf350
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Actually, your default textures are stored in teh Textures.bsa. What you have in the data/textures folder are ALL overrides. if you want to bring the game back to completely vanilla/default, delete the textures, meshes, and interface folders from Data. There ya go, default Skyrim.

i do not have the Textures.bsa file D:


Edit: And i'm trying to uninstall the tropical skyrim mod



You must have a textures.bsa file or the game wouldn't run :P (at least not in any playable way) are you looking in C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data?


Also did you backup your textures and meshes folder like I said to in the instructions for tropical skyrim?

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  • 1 year later...



Actually, your default textures are stored in teh Textures.bsa. What you have in the data/textures folder are ALL overrides. if you want to bring the game back to completely vanilla/default, delete the textures, meshes, and interface folders from Data. There ya go, default Skyrim.

i do not have the Textures.bsa file D:


Edit: And i'm trying to uninstall the tropical skyrim mod



You must have a textures.bsa file or the game wouldn't run :tongue: (at least not in any playable way) are you looking in C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data?


Also did you backup your textures and meshes folder like I said to in the instructions for tropical skyrim?


Deleting those folders does not let the game run. The textures.bsa is there, but we just need default textures/meshes because the skimpy armour is f*#@ing impractical and annoying.

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  • 1 year later...

im kinda having a bit of a related issue. no ctd or anything like that. but for some reason my dragon bone textures default are black. not like plane black, but like they are blackened like you would see in a mod, but the only mod i know thta does that i never downloaded on this new laptop and new skyrim installation. and it isnt so bad except there is a specific mod armor using dragon bone textures i realy want to use for a specific character build but one piece of the armor is using it's own custom texture for some reason and its the vanilla color, so now its clashing with everything else!
so far my best answer to this was a new dragon bone texture mod and it doesnt clash as much but it still a bit too brown and clashes still with the problem armor.
i good with computers but im also insanely cautious about touching files manualy because im prone to mistakes. so please, indulge my stupidity, how should i go about resetting the vanilla textures for skyrim dragon bone armor?

bellow is an example i surprisingly found online (on a site showing off the armor in question useing the texture mod i found) showing the clashing colors im talking about
http://robton.nu/wp-content/gallery/dragonbone-bikini-tmb/72850_20160531185007_1.png?1458f7that white bone it killing my eyes right now. but the necromancer im working on (there is other mods involved, not just a pervert xD) kinda needs this armor.

Edited by sugnaO
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