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Dark Brotherhood quest line after you kill them via console (PC)


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Hi everyone. I am new to modding and twiddling with PC games and I must say it is very fun. I ran into the problem of looking online and seeing that the Dark Brotherhood quests were some of the best in the game, AFTER I slaughtered all of them 15 levels ago...I thought I was going to have to make a new character, but after messing with all the console commands for the PC version I miraculously was able to resurrect all of the brotherhood and get the quest line running. I don't know why it works because the game logged that I completed the "destroy the Dark Brotherhood" quest *shrugs*. I got ticked off by their constant attempts to assassinate me so I decided to rid Skyrim of them single handedly...sounded awesome until I learned it was an epic RPG fail.


I killed them around level 35 and only went back to try this at level 50. I don't know if bugs will occur later because of it but it appears the quest is working perfectly fine for me at least. So here is how I did it:




1. Used console command "resurrect" in Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary on all the dead Dark Brotherhood member NPC's. Press ~ to bring up console then select a dead NPC's body. Then type "resurrect". (NOTE: The NPC's attacked me after this point, which will block advancement of the quest line because you can't talk to them. However, by using dual-casting "pacify" I was able to speak when them to move the quest.


2. If there are any bodies which have already disappeared--as in my case Babbette had disappeared, try what I did and use the console command: "player.placeatme <NPC #> <#>" to spawn the missing character next to you. I would make sure to do this in the sanctuary to avoid possible bugs. For Babbette I typed: "player.placeatme 0001D4B7 1" . Babbette did not attack me though once I re spawned her. I don't know why. The others wouldn't stop even though I attempted to use the "player.setrelationshiprank" command to make them friendly.


3. Then I went to the abandoned shack where I killed Astrid to resurrect her. I used "resurrect 1" instead of "resurrect" and she got up and immediately continued the dialogue for the questline as though I had never killed her. She also had all her equipment even though I was wearing her gloves and boots and she did not attack me. This may be a bug *shrugs*.


4. After all were resurrected I continued with the quest to introduce myself to the members.


5. Nazir suggests I go to see Astrid again after I've talked to everyone. NOTE: This is where the questline got stuck so I had to use another console command to move the quest forward another step. I then used, "setstage DB02A 0" in the console to move the quest to the beginning of the quest "Sanctuary". Once that happened I was told by Astrid to talk to Nazir about contracts. After speaking to Nazir and accepting the contracts (all while other members where pacified : P ) I got the quest initiation marker of the new quest name appearing on screen and the drum sound effect. Then all the members reset their relationship values I guess because they stopped trying to kill em. After that the quest appeared like all the other normal quests and the line seems to be going along intact. Prior to accepting the next quest none of the previous quest markers or information about the current quest were showing up in the journal or map. NOTE: If the questID for the beginning of "Sanctuary" does not work then look up the other questID's and stage level's to figure out one the game will accept perhaps.


This was after trying a multitude of console commands and combinations of actions and commands to try and trick Skyrim into letting me do this quest and I must say I am quite pleased with my noob console abilities right now :teehee: I hope this works for someone else who may have unfortunately screwed up like me. It's nice to have your cake and eat it toooo..

Edited by coyotegene84
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  • 5 months later...

Hi there. I just found this thread. I followed everything you did, and the quest "Sanctuary" seems to be working, even though I already killed all of the Dark Brotherhood. I just wanted to thank you for the tips.


P.S. Skyrim belongs to the Nords!

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  • 1 month later...

typing "player.addtofaction 1bdb3 1" will make it easier to resurrect them all because they wont be hostile to you anymore. ids for the dark brotherhood characters are: arnbjorn 1bde7, astrid 1bde8, gabriella 1bdeb, nazir 1c3ad, veezara 1c3ae, festus krex 1d4bb, lis 3289a


"setstage db02a 0" didnt work for me, had to use "setstage db02a 10"

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