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im new to this but, how do i load my mods safly?


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i am getting ready to play Fallout NV, and i dont know how many mods it can handle and how to really load them. (i gotten F.M.M, M.C.M, and some other utlitys i have to have to run me mods)


(dont no if i need B.O.S.S)


but im new to the load order i have to use tho. how should i start loading them into my game and in what order? i have about 50+ mods (including re- textureing things and body replacers, weapon add ons, armors, willow (follower) prostitution, slave, homes, ect) im trying to find the best and eayest way to get the load order to work right since i noticed some mods like the bottem or the top of the list...


but anyway if someone can give me a over all help for this plz help. i am not really new to modding, i modded the sims/sims 2/ minecraft. (FO3 never modded since i had it for 360.)


if this is not clear sry. never been good at thinks like this. xD

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