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Changing super mutant face tint without creating a new file?


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First, this is for a ps4 mod so it's why I say without creating a new file.

So I made new super mutants, using some material swaps to give them different color, it looks good in the actor render window, but the problem I have is the chargen face for super mutant are green and overwrite any changes I tried to make to it so far.


I spent many hours on this trying everything I can think of, creating new races, changing dozens of different options related to head/face, tint, colors, material swaps, when I go in the game, the green face always overwrite my colors, there is only one way I managed to do something and it's to use the suicider face which is red, better than nothing but I could still use other colors.


So the body work, the back of the head work, but the auto charfacegen color don't.


Another possible option, using 'simple actor' would that work at all? I read on the wiki that it disable facegen but also some quest related triggers so I am worried it might break some quest targets.


Any help would be appreciated.

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