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The HUD is showing alright... but... not? Anyone seen this before?


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So... as far as I know I have made no changes to the [interface] section of any of the .ini files. But I do see, however, that the fSafeZoneYWide16x10=36 and fSafeZoneXWide16x10=64 shows the value 16x10. When in fact I am using a 16:9 resolution. Could this be the culprit? The game itself looks fine, and so does the rest of the HUD, it's just those shadowy background thingies that seem to have... shrunk and become offset somehow.


The entire [interface] section looks like this;



If anyone can tell me whether these values are correct when using 16:9, and/or have any other ideas. Sure, I have mods installed (duh!) but no mods that have required me to change any interface settings or display settings in the .ini files whatsoever. It's not gamebreaking or anything, but it's incredibly distracting when in conversations. And, well, overall very annoying tbh. Oh! And the loading screens seems to have the same aspect ratio as those out-of-place shadows.
It's as if those shadows and the loading screens thinks I'm playing in 1680x1050 when I'm in fact playing in 1920x1080...
Thanks in advance...



Edited by Skitkjell
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