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Anti Material Rifle


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So,I was exploring the internets and then I came across this gem





A mighty fine looking piece of French hardware. Now,I want to play with one. Damnit. xD


PGM Hecate ll. Weighs in at 31lbs almost.

Edited by Azrael120782
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You'll prolly hate me for this, but it is anti-materiel rifle, not material. Material is material...wood, iron and many other things, materiel is matériel - hardware, as in armors for example.

Not trolling, just a bit stingy about this one particular thing about AM rifles.

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You'll prolly hate me for this, but it is anti-materiel rifle, not material. Material is material...wood, iron and many other things, materiel is matériel - hardware, as in armors for example.

Not trolling, just a bit stingy about this one particular thing about AM rifles.



Blah that is true,and I dont know how to do that xD


But anyways,I guess this is were the Devs got the idea for the AMR in Fallout. Can only imagine dropping it on your foot or osmething

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Blah that is true,and I dont know how to do that xD


But anyways,I guess this is were the Devs got the idea for the AMR in Fallout. Can only imagine dropping it on your foot or osmething


Dropping on your foot? Try to run with it around a desert for the whole day :D

Tho have to admit, AM rifles are one of the few weapons I really consider to be beutiful for no reason, funny thing, that.

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