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Better Settlement Crafting UI?


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I am new to FO4 and am finding the base crafting UI to be utterly terrible. Most everything else I didn't initially like was somewhat easily fixed by mods I've found on here, but despite quite a bit of searching I can't find any mods that fixes it or even really changes any part of it.


Major dislikes:


Nested object/item menus obviously made for console controllers. (Why can't I click on what I want to build?)

Mouse clicks rotate instead of place items.

Weird hotkey layout.


Are there any mods to fix these issues or is this something I can adjust in the game somewhere? Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of the crafting aspect anyways, but it seems important to the game so I'd like it to be less obnoxious. I'm thinking something like a vertically stacked text list of items that I can click through until I get to an actual object to place when I can show me a picture of what I'm choosing, I don't need a picture of furniture to show me what I should expect when I click on the furniture tab. My goal is one hand on WASD and the other on the mouse, just like the rest of the game, none of this arrow keys nonsense.



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