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Is it possible to do all the Daedric quests and still


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Azura might be considered not so evil, but dont forget she was the reason why dunmers became black with red eyes.

honestly i think she is the most evil one, which is why i avoid her quest



Soo... shes evil because she made them ashen skinned and red eyed? That sounds awefully racist...


The Chimer (Particularly the Tribunal) betrayed their gods and their king. What Azura did was a punishment for that betrayl, so they would always remember the crimes they had commited. I wouldn't call that evil, i'd call that justice.



How about the fact she let several innocent students of the Collage of Winterhold be murdered horribly all in the name of her revenge?


All Daedra are inherently grey; neither good nor evil just grey, they may have different ways of how they let themselves appear to us. They can all be just as cruel as the next; using us like pawns, then discarding us like trash whenever we loose are usefulness.


"There is no good and no evil, just shades of ******* grey" -Fancis McReary, GTA IV



Well...Malacath created a weapon specifically designed for mortals to combat his own race +1 good. Sheogeroth is cursed with Madness and can be classified as being ill. Remember he is the hero of the oblivion crisis +1 good.


However The ehh....forget the name...the one who steal memories and replaces them with the same nightmare over and over and over and over and over.............Why nightmares? Why the same nightmare? Why not good dreams? why not send back the memory in the dream itself? +1 evil. And then you have Mr. Brothel and Mr. Take over and enslave all of mortal lands...


They vary.

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Lets see, I've completed almost all the quests except for Molag Bal since it bugged on me. Ok, this post is gonna be chock full of SPOILERS


1. Azura - she's not evil IMO. They are tampering with a Daedric artifact to store human souls in it (that in my book is evil. Anything done to stop that is good. Thank you Full Metal Alchemist for giving me the morality to not tamper with human souls). The wizards minions were feeding human souls into the star. I'd say stopping that was good.


2. Meridia - This was one quest I was really happy to make. You got a necromancer using the magics hidden in the temple to raise an army of the dead? and your mission is to stop him and the reward is essentially an anti-undead sword of light! Bring it on!


3. Mephala - Ok she's evil, and is corrupting the kid. When she said I should kill the Jarl or Farengar to get the key, that's where I balked a bit. Its not me to kill a "friend". Although Farengar is annoying. So I tried pickpocketing, and got away with it. Took the sword and locked it away in my house, so I say this is good if you don't kill anyone.


4. Boethiah - This is one bad quest. Makes you kill a follower. Just did it to get rid of the annoying mage in riften and to get the mission out of the journal. After I finished, read it up on WiKi and apparently it says you can just kill all of her followers and she will appear, you don't need to kill your companion. Not tested.


5. Clavicus Vile - This one is not bad. You're just helping a pet get back to the master. In fact, choose all the "good guy" options and you'll get the daedric artifact.


6. Mehrunes Dagon - A bit of a toss up. Kill the guy who is obsessed by the Mythic Dawn and is trying to make a nuke and take it for yourself, or let the nuke stay broken. There is only the two of you who knows about the dagger, and there's no saying he won't find another person to sacrifice to Mehrunes to get his nuke.


7. Hermaeus Mora - Not really good nor really evil. Wasn't even really sure it was a Daedric quest until he appeared. He just asked me to collect blood, which I got from bandits, so no harm done really.


8. Namira - one I would not do if it were in real life. I'm no cannibal.


9. Sanguine - nothing bad here! just a night of drinking and trying to find out what exactly happened last night. Like a Tamriel version of "The Hangover".


10. Hircine - here you are given two choices. Help someone trying to make a new life, or kill him for his past crime. Your choice, but either way both choices aren't evil IMO.


11. Nocturnal - Best and most not evil quests of a Daedra there is! Unless you feel that the Thieves Guild is an evil bunch. Its part of their questline.


12. Vaermina - I really did not trust that Dunmer, especially when I found out he betrayed his compatriots and left them to rot. So when Vaermina told me that he really just wanted to Skull for his own, I killed him.


13. Peyrite - nothing evil here IMO, just a quest to kill a traitor.


14. Malacath - help him get rid of a cowardly good for nothing Orc chief who makes life hard for his orcs. What's bad about that?


15. Sheogorath - This was just crazy. An old man just asked to look for his master and I ended up talking to Sheogorath. He was a bit funny though and very thoroughly not right in the end, but there was nothing evil in this quest. You actually did a little good for Pelagius' tormented soul.


Quest breakdown IMO

Good: 11

Bad: 2

Toss up choices: 2

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However The ehh....forget the name...the one who steal memories and replaces them with the same nightmare over and over and over and over and over.............Why nightmares? Why the same nightmare? Why not good dreams? why not send back the memory in the dream itself?


We don't know what Vaermina does with the dreams. As such, we can't judge her intent.


As for the nightmare thing, that may just be a byproduct of her 'intrusion'. Just because a tick can give you Lime Disease by doing its thing, doesn't mean its evil.


Without knowing the intent, its impossible to conclusively judge any of the Daedra as evil.

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However The ehh....forget the name...the one who steal memories and replaces them with the same nightmare over and over and over and over and over.............Why nightmares? Why the same nightmare? Why not good dreams? why not send back the memory in the dream itself?


We don't know what Vaermina does with the dreams. As such, we can't judge her intent.


As for the nightmare thing, that may just be a byproduct of her 'intrusion'. Just because a tick can give you Lime Disease by doing its thing, doesn't mean its evil.


Without knowing the intent, its impossible to conclusively judge any of the Daedra as evil.


For all we know, the people ran out of good dreams and only nightmares are left.

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She takes MEMORIES not dreams. The nightmares she adds in and I seem to recall somewhere in her quest detailing that this was a form of purposeful torture.


And if thats not enough, she uses deceit and lies to try and make you save her precious artifact. If there really was any good intention she'd be smart enough to explain it instead of lying.

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She takes MEMORIES not dreams. The nightmares she adds in and I seem to recall somewhere in her quest detailing that this was a form of purposeful torture.


And if thats not enough, she uses deceit and lies to try and make you save her precious artifact. If there really was any good intention she'd be smart enough to explain it instead of lying.


Yes, right, memories. The risks of posting in the early morning.


However, i have done the quest several times across not only my own playthroughs, but for both of my brothers, and there is never a statement about it being intentional punishment which i can recall. In fact, her followers willingly give up their memories and don't seem the worse for wear about it. It is expressly stated, however, that it is unknown what she does with those memories. All we're given is a hypothesis about her desplaying them in a showroom.

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She takes MEMORIES not dreams. The nightmares she adds in and I seem to recall somewhere in her quest detailing that this was a form of purposeful torture.


And if thats not enough, she uses deceit and lies to try and make you save her precious artifact. If there really was any good intention she'd be smart enough to explain it instead of lying.


Also she is one of the few daedric quests which you can complete working against the daedra by letting the skull being destroyed. You don't get the skull-staff, but who cares.

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