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The Hitchhiker's guide to Wrye Flash


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As I have run into the plugin limit for my system, I have asked what I can do to add additional mods.

I was told to merge plugins, thus reducing their number. A forum member has kindly offered help with a plugin tool, that I will try out.


But it is never that easy...

When creating a merged patch using FNVEdit, I have noticed graphic bugs, that won't appear, if I don't create such a patch.

I guess there's still a conflict between the latest versions of Nevada Skies URWL and Interior Lighting Overhaul.


It seems in the long run there's no way getting around Wrye Flash.

I have done a little mod editing using GECK and FNVEdit, but have never used a tool like Wrye Flash. Also this is my first Bethesda/Obsidian RPG and the first game I'm deliberately using mods with.

Sadly neither the FNV nor the FO3 pages of Wrye Flash feature any kind of tutorial/readme. So if you know of any such document, please let me know.


Looking at the screenshots uploaded to those pages was a little, ah well..., intimidating.

That means, I'm also looking for someone willing to help a novice by answering questions every now and then (and I guess there will definitely be some).

So if you are the sympathetic, helpful kind of Wrye Flash user, this is for you...http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif

Edited by wizzydizzy
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