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Can't see the Mod's Settings menu item


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Hi everybody,
I need some help in order to use some Skyrim mods.
The problem is:
I,ve got Skyrim through the Steam platform in Italian language.
I've installed Nexus Mod Manager (0.63.11) for Skyrim.
For a simple test downloaded, deployed and enabled the mod Advanced Horses in the Unassigned category. Then I went to go if it's working.
But on the game nothing seems to be applied, and more important I cannot see the "MOD SETTINGS" item in the pause menu.
I'm sure that the lack of that item (mod settings) is the key for my problem.
Other info about my system:
- Notebook Lenovo IdeaPad
- CPU AMD A4-5000 APU with Raedon HD Graphics 1.5 GHz
- Installed RAM 4 GB
- Windows 10 Home 64 bits
- At least 100 GB of disk free space
- The game path is the default: C:\program files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim
I have no got info about DLCs, SKSE, BOSS, LOOT, Tes5Edit, Wrye Bash, these are only names for me, I don't know what they are or whether are installed, I believe to have never used any of them.

I apologize for my limited communication capabilities as I'm not a native English speaker, any help would be appreciated.
Best wishes from Italy.

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