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Named NPC New Voice Actors Mod


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Hey guys, hope you don't mind but I'm just going to rip my post from reddit and paste it here.




Hey boys and girls,


The Concept


So I've been at home sick playing Oblivion as well as a bit of Skyrim and while playing Oblivion I remembered how only 13 voice actors were involved in Oblivion and how significant it was to the community that we had more voice actors in Skyrim. However while there's a larger number of voice actors in Skyrim there's still a lot of repetition, you can go to any city and you'll hear the same voice actors numerous times. I want to solve this.

My idea for this mod will be to replace all of the minor named NPC's with new voices. I want to avoid replacing more major characters such as Elisif, Ysolda, Balgruuf, etc because while the voice actors behind those roles voice act several other roles their voice acting is very much attached to those characters.



Further Information


So the game plan is to go hold by hold gradually replacing named NPC's voices with new voices until that hold is achieved followed by the next hold and the hold after that. This allows myself and any potential other modders working on this project to show a proof of concept, better quality assurance and to allow the mod to gain potential traction early on as well as allowing the mod to be more modular which does mean more work but its better for the end user.

So for this idea to work ideally it'll be one voice actor per character, obviously this will require a multitude of voice actors to complete this but that shouldn't be too big of a hurdle to achieve as there's always plenty of amateur voice actors willing to try their hand. The main issue I foresee is the beast races as generally amateur voice actors in mods add too much spin or not enough to these races.

This mod will be developed for the Skyrim Special Edition first. As obviously the SSE and Classic Skyrim creation kits are very similar it'll be very very easy to port.


Roadmap/The Plan


1. The Proof Of Concept. So to start off I want to develop a proof of concept with a few other voice actors before we go on to something more ambitious. While I've already successfully attempted replacing NPC voices its not a successful proof of concept as my thick aussie accent and lack of ability to record clean audio (great mic, noisy room/house) means that its not a presentable proof of concept.


2. Version 0.05 - Whiterun. To replace all of the minor named NPC's in for example Whiterun. Characters like the Jarl will be avoided but minor characters such as Olfrid Battle-Born, Sinmir, etc will be replaced.

3. Version 0.1 - Whiterun Hold. The same as Version 0.1 except the entirety of the Whiterun hold.

4. Version 1.0 - Skyrim. To replace all of the minor named NPC's in the entirety of Skyrim. Including a full edition and modular edition.

5. Port to Skyrim Classic Edition.

6. Final bug fixes and compatibility patches.

7. Optional Packages. E.g voice replacements for more major roles (quest givers, Jarls) and for more types of NPC's e.g generic NPC's (Guards, Bandits, etc).

8. Finally reassess the situation. Where do we take the mod from here. Oblivion, Fallout 4 version, etc. At this point the roadmap for this particular mod has ended.


Volunteering For Voice Acting & Modding


If you're interested then awesome!

If you're a voice actor then all you need is a decent quality microphone and the ability to upload your produced content. Nothing else. You'll be able to choose your own role or alternatively volunteer for a random role. Once the proof of concept is complete there'll be a document available showing what roles are available and what roles have been filled. You'll also receive voice acting direction so that we can get the best out of you.

If you're a modder then great. Once you have an understanding of how this mod is created through the use of tutorials and direction from myself and others you'll be tasked with helping develop this mod. Now this role isn't the most essential but its really appreciated as it allows more bug fixing, compatibility patches and of course allowing the mod to be more modular.

Lastly quality assurance. If you want to volunteer to check the mod for bugs and compatibility issues then great! It really helps and it'll allow the mod to be at its full potential.


For this project it'll have a dedicated discord (text & audio) and Google Drive.

Anyone who volunteers for this project will be full credited and acknowledged. And of course if you ever come down to Australia I'll owe you a beer, bourbon, girly drink or cocktail.



Anyway I want to hear your thoughts and if any potential voice actors or modders want to volunteer then awesome. Naturally you'll be fully credited.

Edited by BoomersRangers
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Interesting idea. If you pull it off it'd probably be a must download for me. I was just struck today with how immersion breaking it is to hear the thieves guild leaders voice off of some two-bit npc.


edit: To follow that comment up, if memory serves bandits/vamps etc also tend to use those same voice actors. If those could be changed as well, without major conflicts it'd be neat.

Edited by Mavkiel
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Interesting idea. If you pull it off it'd probably be a must download for me. I was just struck today with how immersion breaking it is to hear the thieves guild leaders voice off of some two-bit npc.


edit: To follow that comment up, if memory serves bandits/vamps etc also tend to use those same voice actors. If those could be changed as well, without major conflicts it'd be neat.

That's exactly my line of thinking about it. So far the projects going well and its very very feasible its just a lot of tedious work.


So oddly enough adding more voicesets to bandits, generic NPC's, etc is more difficult but its something we want to tackle after we've completed the main project. There's already a couple of mods that do achieve this but regardless we want to do it in the future.

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Hi. I've been working on a home studio for recording my voice, and I'd be happy to have something to do with it. If you can give me lines, I can give samples. My voice is a natural baritone.


My native accent is Canadian. Give me a reference, though, and I'm pretty sure I can imitate it.


You send me lines, I send you samples. Sound good?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Hello! I've also never done any voice acting work (Just messing around with friends), but would love to give it a shot if you need people. I'd be able to do female voices, but I'm an alto according to my friends. I have a decent audio set up already (blue snowball and a homemade pop filter). Plus if you wanted any help editing audio to reduce hums or background noise I could.
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