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Mannequins (placeable) mod


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So I've been looking at a lot of home mods to see whether someone is adding extra mannequins etc. I then remembered back in the day with Oblivion the first mannequin mod was one in which you could place them wherever you wanted yourself. Now this is simply the ideal house improvement mod, and quite frankly I find it weird and dissappointing no one has made one yet. Now I would try this, if I had any idea how to mod, but I don't. So please could someone give this a try?
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This is (almost) impossible to do currently as the 'mannequin' is actually an NPC with a very specific AI routine, you can place 1000 mannequin meshes in any location you like, but they will not function as an armor stand. We're just going to have to wait for the CK for an 'easy' fix.


You apparently also have no idea how to read other posts, as this has been discussed thoroughly in the Renovate your house with the Console thread

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