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Changing Body Slots makes item invisible


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I stumbled upon a rather irritating problem while trying to wear two pieces of outer armor above each other.


I'm trying to wear both the CROSS Pre-War Cybernetics Torso by Niero and a Vanilla lather chest piece together. Both utilize the BodySlot 41 [A] Torso, so the most obvious solution for me was changing one of the two to something different. I used FO4Edit to copy the vanilla Armor_Leather_Torso as well as all of the the corresponding Armor Addons AA_Leather_Torso_* as new records into a new esp, changed the BOD2 - Biped Body Template of everything to 55 - Unnamed (Belt slots, according to modder resource) and saved.


I equiped the new Leather chest piece ingame but nothing is showing up. It's completely invisible.


Any idea what's happening here?

When I change the bod2 record back to 41 it shows up, so I'm sure I'm wearing the correct item. The ID is also corresponding with the esp plugin number.


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I am new to the creation kits for Fallout 4......I can not find a "variant" variable to change in the Add-on tab. Here is where I am looking: (1) I have loaded my modified esp (with changes from FO4Edit) into the CK. (2) I clicked the + sign next to armor add-on in file tree and found the item id that I wanted to change. (3) Right clicked the highlighted item and selected 'Edit' (this displayed an Armor Add-on display box which I am assuming is the Armor add-on tab that is being referenced above. But there is nothing on the displayed tab that references a variant or has any value that uses a body slot value (45 in my case).


Please help......what am i doing wrong?


oops......never mind...I figured it out.......should have clicked the + on the Armor instead of armor add-in on the tree.

Edited by mikey1979
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