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Magical absorbation spell on every NPC


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Hello, i have the following problem.

On every NPC in my game spawn random little cyclones. I started a little discussion with a picture of the cyclone (Link is here: http://www.nexusmods...mages/643270/?)

They said that a mod adds a vanilla aliteration spell too every NPC wich cause the cyclones. The problem is that i have no idea wich mod it is :smile: . I hope u can help me :happy:

In the following is my modlist and my loadorder.

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1. MagicDuelReborn.esm could potentially be a culprit here. I would disable this mod, start a new game and see if the problem persists on the new game.
2. Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp has 2 mods that it requires. Make sure you read the mod page, install these two mods, and put them in the proper load order.
3. I'm not sure what PsijicOrder.esp is exactly, but it also could potentially be a culprit.
4. SkyUI.esp I would suggest you move a bit higher in your load order. probably one of the first .esps you have. It just is more stable that way I've found. Not necessary, but could be better in the long run.
5. I always suggest people disable ELFX - Weathers.esp. Let your lighting mod be your lighting mod and your weather mod deal with weather. If you use anything that really affects your weather, this mod could eventually come into conflict with it and cause CTDs.
6. JK Skyrim suggests not to use NPC overhauls with his mod, which you do. I would follow the mod author's advice.
7. FNIS.esp and all your animations should really load at the bottom of your load order, as well as any custom skeletons you have. Only mods that LOOT sorts after them should come after. It has been my experience this is much more stable.
8. You have a lot of mods that alter and affect magic simultaneously. Since your problem is magic related (the swirling), I'd suggest you make sure all of these are compatible, particularly when it deals with combat mods.

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Well i must confess that im a bit lazy with my loadorder :D but i think that the magical duell is a good point to start and thank u for the tipp with the elfx-weather.esp cause i had a lot of ctds when i had some moddified weather.

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Well im sry for wasted ur time :happy: I came on the idea to search about my problem with ur better word "swirling" :D and saw that there is mod wich fix my issue :D

But ty for ur help anyway :happy:

Edited by RhYLow
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