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[LE] Scripting: Trying to put the player at an arbitrary point, but they always go to the floor.


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  On 1/11/2017 at 6:07 AM, cdcooley said:

You can try moving the player to a heading marker to control facing, but I think part of the adjustment automatically forces the player to look straight ahead.


And yes, unfortunately many little things like this are just passed along by word of mouth because no one ever thinks to document them on the CK Wiki. It's publicly editable and I've added some things in the past but like so many others I just don't think about it or decide it would take too much time in most cases. There's also the problem of deciding where exactly you would document something like this.


That is unfortunate. Of course, the simple place to put it would be on the functions. Also, if the CKWiki was as in depth as say python.org docs we wouldn't be having this conversation. Papyrus isn't near as complex as python. But I suppose the documentation was probably written by the programmers, and while programming is fun, documenting and commenting is not.


Trying XMarkerHeading right now.


[EDIT] didn't work. player.getpos x = 0

It's a stupid limitation. Especially since the console commands work as expected.

Edited by monsto
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