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Why assassinate me?


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@david i agree with you. Wheres the Darkbrotherhood skills?

BTW, does the note signed by astrid tells you who summoned the black sacrement? i feel like decapitating the guy who wants me dead(and astrid)


No, unfortunately there are no details about who performed the black sacrement, only that it was performed. This is a shame 'cause if I ever find out who sent them after me, then I have a BLACK soul gem with their name on it :D

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@david i agree with you. Wheres the Darkbrotherhood skills?

BTW, does the note signed by astrid tells you who summoned the black sacrement? i feel like decapitating the guy who wants me dead(and astrid)


@mclericp I posted the original message in part because the note says nothing about who wants me dead, just "...somebody wants this poor fool dead...We've already received payment for the contract. Failure is not an option." Signed by Astrid.



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@david i agree with you. Wheres the Darkbrotherhood skills?

BTW, does the note signed by astrid tells you who summoned the black sacrement? i feel like decapitating the guy who wants me dead(and astrid)


@mclericp I posted the original message in part because the note says nothing about who wants me dead, just "...somebody wants this poor fool dead...We've already received payment for the contract. Failure is not an option." Signed by Astrid.




Its probably that guy who you blamed when you farted in the tavern. Nords take their flatulance very seriously.


As for the Dark Brotherhoods skills... The Brotherhood is all but extinct.All thats left is the riff raff that the Empire couldn't be bothered to wipe out (Until you start causing trouble, being all bad ass as you are) and some vampire 12 years old.

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As for the Dark Brotherhoods skills... The Brotherhood is all but extinct.All thats left is the riff raff that the Empire couldn't be bothered to wipe out


I'm beginning to think the DB is using their contract against me (and I have no clue as to who initiated it) as their preferred method of weeding out their inept! All 7 attempts have been full front-on attacks in broad daylight, no stealth, no hiding in shadows, no skill :rolleyes: They deserve to fail.

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I killed 18 assassin's who unsuccessfully performed their duties BEFORE I killed Grelod "the kind" . I never got a reason for being attacked. My hope was when I joined the Dark Brotherhood Astrid would fill me in on those details, but no. Just another flaw in the story.
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yeah, david and mclericp, the DB should be harder. I just encountered one while checking out a dragon burial site that still had a buried dragon. It was the perfect arena for a one on one fight. As I approached it, from the opposite direction came a DB with dual blades. I matched with dual blades and we met nearly perfectly at the center of the burial. Ah, but the fight was too short. I was hoping for more.
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The DB shouldn't even be charging at you in the first place. They should follow you around and attack when you are alone or not in a good place.


Something like someone following you from a distance every now and then with the name "Stranger" then they will attack with their armor at a different time when you are not near any NPCs or cities, or you are alone in your house or something like that.


You are not a very good assassin if you attack people like a warrior.


Also were do all of these assassins come from? The HQ should have some of the assassins there.

Edited by marharth
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