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Help me solve a mystery


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Hey all..


Ive recently released a mod that totally changes sanctuary called " New Sanctuary"




The problem is that when looking towards a specific area from anywhere around that area we have major FPS loss.


I have tried everything that i can "visually " meaning looking at things that i can see in the CK..


Like looking for possible triggers,markers,the navmesh,the lighting and even tried removing several buildings in that area that did give me some frames back but isnt the solution since all i did was remove data that had to be loaded.


I even generated fresh precombined for all the areas including the problem area...

The navmesh was "cleared" and then re-done by hand for all of sanctuary.


Some one mentioned "local LoD " but other than the terrain LoD i dont see anything else like maybe a old building LOD to remove..


Funny thing is that this only happens when looking from "street level...


If i rise or go below (around 500 units) and look in the same direction the problem disappears...

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Maybe a script trying to run?. Use the 'Use Info" in the context menu to see what, if any, scripts might be referencing that cell, or if there is some hidden "thing" affecting the cell.

thanks for the reply but can you clarify?/


use the "use info" on what? the cell itself?


When i go over the cell and its loaded then right click on the cell name and select "use info" i gives me a blank chart with nothing in it.

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I assume you have disabled precombined meshes and this is what causes these lags.


EDIT: While I have way too little knowledge on Papyrus it's probably not a script causing it. To quote the Papyrus creator:


What happens when Papyrus is "overloaded"?


According to SmkViper:


The only thing "overloading" the script system will ever do will be to slow down all

script processing. You could theoretically run your system out of memory at some point

but the game would be unplayable long before then.


Does Papyrus affect framerate? Or "drop" function calls? Or "lose" entire scripts?


No. According to SmkViper:


Papyrus never affects framerate, nor does it "drop" function calls. It doesn't "drop

scripts" either, whatever the heck that would mean) You wouldn't have an "overload"

problem if it did, because then it would just throw things out instead of slow down,

but that way lies madness - randomly not running function calls is just silly.

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I just want to throw in, that Papyrus can freeze your game. Recently, i created a onHit script and played around with i(Papyrus in general) well.... it froze my game, when it came under stress. It did not crash but it was frozen.

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I just want to throw in, that Papyrus can freeze your game. Recently, i created a onHit script and played around with i(Papyrus in general) well.... it froze my game, when it came under stress. It did not crash but it was frozen.

Well since i didnt create any scripts or touched any data related to scripts from the vaniilla version i find it doubtful that this is causing my framerate issues..


Im pretty sure its overlapping data or something similar.....since ive taken out anything un-needed that was loading up (anything i could see that is)..

maybe some hidden items or data im not seeing is causing it...but my knowledge of data/programming etc... is limited or none..so i cant spot the issue..hence my plea for help here in the forum..

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I just want to throw in, that Papyrus can freeze your game. Recently, i created a onHit script and played around with i(Papyrus in general) well.... it froze my game, when it came under stress. It did not crash but it was frozen.

Well since i didnt create any scripts or touched any data related to scripts from the vaniilla version i find it doubtful that this is causing my framerate issues..


Im pretty sure its overlapping data or something similar.....since ive taken out anything un-needed that was loading up (anything i could see that is)..

maybe some hidden items or data im not seeing is causing it...but my knowledge of data/programming etc... is limited or none..so i cant spot the issue..hence my plea for help here in the forum..


If you have removed some things that were property of some existing scripts , then it potentially can cause problems, not sure of what kind. You can try to check the debug log if there are any suspicious errors.

Edited by kitcat81
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I just want to throw in, that Papyrus can freeze your game. Recently, i created a onHit script and played around with i(Papyrus in general) well.... it froze my game, when it came under stress. It did not crash but it was frozen.

Well since i didnt create any scripts or touched any data related to scripts from the vaniilla version i find it doubtful that this is causing my framerate issues..


Im pretty sure its overlapping data or something similar.....since ive taken out anything un-needed that was loading up (anything i could see that is)..

maybe some hidden items or data im not seeing is causing it...but my knowledge of data/programming etc... is limited or none..so i cant spot the issue..hence my plea for help here in the forum..


If you have removed some things that were property of some existing scripts , then it potentially can cause problems, not sure of what kind. You can try to check the debug log if there are any suspicious errors.


When i say "removed " i do mean disabled or simply moved out of range ( ive stopped deleting anything for a while now... :tongue: )


Im 99% sure it may be caused by the previs/precombined that werent disabled when i first started modding the area and to fix this i would have to redo it all over .

So even if i regenerated those.....the old ones are still effecting the mod... (im sure i read this correctly in some other thread)

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