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Mod N00b


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Sorry for the noob question, but I was wondering how to start modding Skyrim. I don't want to modify gameplay yet as I've just started playing it. However, I did just buy a monster Nvidia graphics card and would like to put it to work by adding some realistic graphic mods or even a graphic overhaul. I can play the game just fine on Ultra setting. I've never modded a game before so some pretty basic instructions would be helpful. Is there a forum I can go to for this? Also, if anyone has suggestions on which graphics mods to get, please let me know!
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i'm in the same position as you are right now but if you're just starting up i'dsuggest trying what i'm doing now, if you have oblivion then download the CK for it and start practicing on that as the Skyrim CK isn't out yet here's a simple guide for starting up its helped me out a lot.

http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/A_beginner%27s_guide,_lesson_1_-_The_Construction_Set_Primer (there are also more advanced guides on that site) misread question sorry


i'd suggest






ill add more in a bit

Edited by 97lesser
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