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Can't use enchanter table, alchemcy table, tanner, mining, etc... need help.


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So I've tried everything when it comes to not touching the mods, other than move the load order around a bit. The issue is, I know what's causing this glitch. It's the Imperious mod, first time having this issue too, and it seems to be creating some kind of broken loop that unables the player to use any kind of interactive animation. The catch? It has never done this before.


So here's what I did:


I went to the savetool to delete any orphan scripts.

I ensure I had unofficial patches installed.

I moved Imperious almost all the way down to the load order.

Reloaded previous save to see if the problem presumes (it does)

Tried player.tai, waited 5 seconds, then turn it on.

Got arrested and rest in jail


Nothing seems to fix thus far. This ONLY happens when I first level from 1 to 2, and when the quest for Imperious activates.

Any other solutions?

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