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change follower mod follower location


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I have quite a few follower mods installed.

Unfortunately lots of them are set to appear in inns (bannered mare for example).

Due to that and some town and inn improvements my Skyrim runs out of space and CTD.


So my idea for a new game is to edit the location for some followers.

My question is, which would be the best not so distant location that can hold the extra followers without crashing the game.



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Inns and the like are mostly selected because these places are open 24/7 and require no prerequisites to be accessed. Besides that, its kinda "immersive" to hire a new mercenary or whatever in a tavern... Shops, houses of NPCs and the like are not really suitable, because they aren't always open / accessible. Placing all followers in one location wouldn't help BTW. You'd get in trouble again - just in another place. I'd split them into different spaces that are open to the public: The temples and halls of the dead, the palaces of the Jarls... OFC you can also place followers in the streets of a city - but always only a few at one place.

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ah thanks, I think halls of the dead was the answer I was looking for :)

Ofc I won't have them all in one place, but like 2-3 in the halls of the dead across the cities should help with my little problem :)


And yes, I know it hurts the immersion, but constant crashes are worse^^

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