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112 Maximum Mods, No Main Menu


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1. Legacy of the Dragonborn is really picky with what mods it is compatible with. I doubt very much that JK's Skyrim is compatible, but you may want to check on that.

2. Your Complete Crafting Overhaul has 2 mods it requires, and it requires them in a special order, which they aren't in.

3. One or more of your mods may require SkyUI to be installed, which it shows it is not active. I would activate it and place it right after your .esms

4. The failing menu could be SKSE related. Make sure you've installed it correctly.

5. I would reinstall the two corrupt files just incase. Make sure that the files themselves have data in it. If they don't, they are usually like 1kb and aren't working. If that's the case, try manually downloading.


Hopefully one or more of these suggestions help you. Also, test it out on a new game to make sure it isn't just your old save.

1. I'll definitely check to see if that's the issue. Neither LOOT nor NMM told me anything negative about it. Though it did have a lot of files it over wrote from other mods.

2. I don't know which or which order, but I always LOOT sort and it's worked fine in the past.

3. It got sorted to the middle by LOOT so it was past the top 112 that I can have installed. I'm trying to play with all those mods active.

4. If I remember correctly, I think I did reinstall SKSE. I'll probably do it again.

5. I know pocket empire builder actually works. I can get it to run. Idk about eld_combine potions.

6. Thanks for all of your help. Hopefully I can get this working now and play online with it.


2. Go onto the CCO website and scroll to the "Required" section and read it. He says you need two mods there and tells you which order to put them in.

3. LOOT doesn't generally sort SkyUI. Put it where you want it and run loot and it shouldn't move.

4. If that doesn't help I would suggest you just do a clean install. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/906390-cleaning-skyrim-for-fresh-install/

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