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Weapons from past Fallouts and a Few Questions


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Hey everyone! I recently started focusing my youtube channel towards Fallout 4(I'm not going to promote it as I'm just doing it as a hobby, ask if you want info) and I am setting up a new mini series about past fallout weapons and if they have been modded into Fallout 4. I'm really into lore-friendly weapons so I figured why not just check out all the weapons from past fallouts!
Here is my list from fallout 1. I'm looking for peoples opinions and to see if some of the weapons I couldn't find are indeed out there or being worked on.
Here is the Google Sheets list of all the weapons slowly editing each of them https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B16TzYzT1fqEZN9LhjWXqtZXU75TieUz7mh_hp9JR6o/edit?usp=sharing

Fallout 1


Weapon Type Mod




Brass knuckles Vanilla

Power fist Vanilla

Rock N/A? I see rock as a grenade when i'm in console but i'm not sure if thats from a pastmod I had running

Spiked knuckles Vanilla


Melee Weapons


Cattle prod N/A

Club N/A

Combat knife Vanilla

Crowbar Vanilla

Knife Vanilla

Ripper Vanilla

Sledgehammer Vanilla

Spear Spears - Board Replacer -Standalone by Billyro

Super sledge Vanilla

Throwing knife Throwing Weapons Westored by Trainwiz




.223 pistol .223 Revolver REDUX by Skibadaa There is also the one by DOOM but i needed to give a shoutout to Skibidaa

9mm Mauser Mauser Pistol by GrinnginUrchen Can also be Chinese pistol from later games

10mm pistol Vanilla

14mm pistol N/A WIP by 0spacepope0 Man it looks cool I hope it's almost done. I saw a 12.7mm released but that gun isn't in the 1st Fallout

Desert Eagle .44 Desert Eagle - Standalone Handgun by DOOM

Alien blaster Vanilla

Laser pistol Vanilla

Plasma pistol Vanilla




10mm SMG (MP9 but not Modern Version) N/A Haven't seen it anywhere but I hope it's in the works, I can't think of that many smg mods out now.




Assault rifle (AK-112) Modular Kalash Assault Rifle by DOOM This was a tough choice because I really like the Chinese Assault Rifle by Wasteland Melody and there is the Handmade Rifle ingame so I guess it would be a preference thing

Hunting rifle (Colt Rangemaster) R91 Standalone Assault Rifle by FF7CloudStrife To me the Colt Rangemaster looks like the R91. I would like feedback on this because its too close to call and I don't want to look too stupid lol

Red Ryder BB gun N/A You'll shoot your eye out!

Sniper rifle(DKS-501) DKS-501 Sniper Rifle - Standalone by LtCommander Probably one of my favorite mods

Laser rifle Vanilla




Combat shotgun (Winchester City-Killer) Bullpup Combat Shotgun by Intension89 Mod seems to be dead but it's the closet thing we've got

Shotgun (Double Barrel) Vanilla


Big Guns


Minigun Vanilla

Flamer Vanilla

Rocket launcher Vanilla? For the life of me I can't remember the name of the Rocket Launcher that the one in Fallout 1 is based on... I want to say smaw but i don't think that's right

Gatling laser Vanilla

Plasma rifle Plasma Caster - Standalone by Predence and ModdedMeghan




Flare Road Flares

Frag grenade Vanilla

Molotov cocktail Vanilla

Plasma grenade Vanilla

Pulse grenade Vanilla

Rock N/A? I see rock as a grenade when i'm in console but i'm not sure if that’s from a past mod I had running

Spear Throwing Weapons Westored by Trainwiz They are harpoons but close enough right?

Throwing knife Throwing Weapons Westored by Trainwiz




Dynamite Vanilla? Could be same thing with the grenade rock i see in the console

Plastic explosives Grenade Expansion Pack 2 by Seanms1991




So that is the list! Let me know what you guys think, I will have my video up in the next few days I just wanted to get some feedback so i don't look like a dumbass haha.


Have a great night everyone!

Wow that was really hard... don't know how to copy paste google sheets without it looking like crap sorry :(

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Nice list ... BTW i think the Cattle Prod = Stun/Shock/Electrified Security Baton in Fallout 4 and the "club" would be the Baseball Bat (or any of the rebar, lead pipe, tire spanner, walking cane variants I guess) Admittedly they use different names, but by and large the weapons are the same.

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