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Nexus search function not working right ?


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Not sure where to report this but i have noticiced allot of time when i manually search for mods the names are not found but using google i can go there directly ?? here is an example type in Violense and nexus search will not find any mod named that way yet google finds this name immidiatly.


So is the search function currently broken ?? I dont remember having this problem before.

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It's cause you wrote the name wrong.

VioLens is the correct mod name, if you mean the killmove mod. (you had one "e" too much)

Edited by L3s7ing
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nope still not working it should have directed me to this link:


The is Violense check the mod page. if i use violense in search function it says no


  • No results.

Even when typing the mod full name will not get any result witch is weird.VioLens - A Killmove Mod



Edited by dzorro
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When I just type in "Violens" the mod shows up.

Maybe you have some of the filter functions set wrong?. Under Attributes, categories or tag-blocking?

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When I just type in "Violens" the mod shows up.

Maybe you have some of the filter functions set wrong?. Under Attributes, categories or tag-blocking?


Thanks yes that did the trick. i have used block on several languages due to the main page being boggered with all sorts of mod translations did not know it would also block the way to search for mods. Is there away to keep the setting and only block mod translation ?? i use the lanaguage tag it will as you can see also block the real mods from showing right.

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I'm nut sure how accurate it is, but under the attributes should be a blue tag-blocking. There you should be able to disable the tag translation.
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