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3 Problems That I need help with


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These are some things that have been very annoying and been bugging me.


First, I have installed the beautiful people mod and all that xeo stuff. For some reason all of the males and females have either a bald head or a cloth covering there eyes and sometimes that one eye thing pops up. I know when you install these it asks you to allow or not and I selected no. However, after installing new mods it is change and all look that way again. I uninstall and re-install and it gets fixed but then after time of installing new mods it does it again. Does anyone know how to fix this?


Second, for some reason, sometimes but not always(does it about 80% of the time) when I enter 1st person the 3rd person view flickers on and off. This is very annoying. Cant seem to find out whats causing it.


Lastly, when there is a animation that is supposed to overright my character. She just keeps standing. This only happens with mods that change you animation like chainbeast and dominatrix. Riding horses, swimming, etc all work fine.


If anyone can help with anything I would really appreciate it. If needed I can supply more info/detail.


Load Order


Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esm
CM Partners.esm
Enhanced Water v2.0 HD.esp
Edhildils Savior Bikini Armor.esp
Lady Flirt.esp
Neo's Morrigan.esp
CTAddPose SPB 02.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Disable BandBlindMask.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Sheogorath Eye.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Chocolate Elves.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed ENG Dialog.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed ENG Race.esp
Vampire Race Reloaded.esp
Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esp
SPB DMMC Ribbon Armor 1_5.esp
SPB E Kunoichi.esp
SPB DMMC Kuikomi Bikini SE v1100630.esp
Edhildils Doom Bikini Armor.esp
face library.esp
Dominatrix Suit.esp
Dizzy No High Heels.esp
NaRae Pose - 02.esp
CTAddPose_ bondage_sex.esp
Slof's Sexy Anims.esp
Snow Dragon Temple v1.0.esp
NibbenShores Estate.esp
Rockh00 Nouhime.esp
Warglaives by Jojjo v1.0.esp
SpeedBuster Collection.esp
CM Partners NPC.esp
CM Partners.esp
slinky kunoichi.esp
CB Dark Enchantress.esp
Fingernails For HGEC.esp
AirOC04 Vat.esp
AirOC04 Auto.esp
DiabloEF 6 in 1.esp
SPB E X Outfit.esp
ElvenSorceress BU.esp


Thank you

Edited by pringerxx
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On your first point:


If you're installing a mod that changes textures, and it asks to allow an overwrite, you should allow this. Otherwise, why bother installing the mod? Changing the textures (to hair and eyes, in this case) is what you wanted in the first place.


You didn't identify the other mods that are changing things back, so I can't comment on them. Nor did you provide a modlist, in loading order. If you're using Wrye Bash, this should be very easy to generate.

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On your first point:


If you're installing a mod that changes textures, and it asks to allow an overwrite, you should allow this. Otherwise, why bother installing the mod? Changing the textures (to hair and eyes, in this case) is what you wanted in the first place.


You didn't identify the other mods that are changing things back, so I can't comment on them. Nor did you provide a modlist, in loading order. If you're using Wrye Bash, this should be very easy to generate.

I don't install mods that overwrite things, I am afraid it would mess things up. When I installed the MPB stuff I put everything into one folder then used OBMM.


Posted load order in first message.


Edited by pringerxx
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On your first point:


If you're installing a mod that changes textures, and it asks to allow an overwrite, you should allow this. Otherwise, why bother installing the mod? Changing the textures (to hair and eyes, in this case) is what you wanted in the first place.


You didn't identify the other mods that are changing things back, so I can't comment on them. Nor did you provide a modlist, in loading order. If you're using Wrye Bash, this should be very easy to generate.

I don't install mods that overwrite things, I am afraid it would mess things up. When I installed the MPB stuff I put everything into one folder then used OBMM.


Posted load order in first message.



Make a backup of the vanilla game somewhere safe before starting to mod. Use BOSS to sort your load order. Make sure BSA redirection is on either with OBMM or Wrye Bash. OBMM is a simpler but outdated utility why not just switch to Wrye Bash? It shows you what is being installed and it'll revert back to original if you decide to uninstall. You are supposed to overwrite the vanilla textures otherwise the one you want will not show.

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I don't install mods that overwrite things, I am afraid it would mess things up. When I installed the MPB stuff I put everything into one folder then used OBMM.


But if you're running Beautiful People, you're running a texture replacement mod that does overwrite files. No way around that. Like Shinobi2008 notes, you can certainly make a backup of your vanilla Oblivion/Data folder and then make changes--but reasonably texture replacement mods are intended to do what you want: make things look better. You can install the mod and deny it the ability to do what it wants, but that seems counterproductive.


I'd also add a second to BOSS. It will often spot out of date or conflicting files, and it does a generally good job of reordering. I would recommend installing Wrye Bash first, though, so you can use it to make sure your new mod loading order and your saved game are fully synced.

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I don't install mods that overwrite things, I am afraid it would mess things up. When I installed the MPB stuff I put everything into one folder then used OBMM.


But if you're running Beautiful People, you're running a texture replacement mod that does overwrite files. No way around that. Like Shinobi2008 notes, you can certainly make a backup of your vanilla Oblivion/Data folder and then make changes--but reasonably texture replacement mods are intended to do what you want: make things look better. You can install the mod and deny it the ability to do what it wants, but that seems counterproductive.


I'd also add a second to BOSS. It will often spot out of date or conflicting files, and it does a generally good job of reordering. I would recommend installing Wrye Bash first, though, so you can use it to make sure your new mod loading order and your saved game are fully synced.

I sorry I misunderstood you. I did overwrite everything with MBP. And I do use BOSS. This error has nothing to do with MBP. It only happens when I install new mods, that is when the seograth eye and imperial mask thing gets placed on everyone.

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I sorry I misunderstood you. I did overwrite everything with MBP. And I do use BOSS. This error has nothing to do with MBP. It only happens when I install new mods, that is when the seograth eye and imperial mask thing gets placed on everyone.


I'm a bit confused, here. What specific mods have you added that cause the Beautiful People changes to vanish? If we can isolate the mods, we can isolate the cause.

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I sorry I misunderstood you. I did overwrite everything with MBP. And I do use BOSS. This error has nothing to do with MBP. It only happens when I install new mods, that is when the seograth eye and imperial mask thing gets placed on everyone.


I'm a bit confused, here. What specific mods have you added that cause the Beautiful People changes to vanish? If we can isolate the mods, we can isolate the cause.

I does not matter what the mod is. If I uninstall MBP and then reinstall it everything is fine. Then no matter what mod I install thereafter these changes happen.


Can anyone else help with the other two problems?


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I does not matter what the mod is. If I uninstall MBP and then reinstall it everything is fine. Then no matter what mod I install thereafter these changes happen.


Any mod: that is...odd. Logically, if you've tested this with a range of mods that do not add or change existing textures, this shouldn't happen.


One possible solution: put the Beautiful People ESPs towards the end of your mod lineup. Since you state other mods are affecting BP, if the latter load afterwards, you shouldn't see any changes.

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I does not matter what the mod is. If I uninstall MBP and then reinstall it everything is fine. Then no matter what mod I install thereafter these changes happen.


Any mod: that is...odd. Logically, if you've tested this with a range of mods that do not add or change existing textures, this shouldn't happen.


One possible solution: put the Beautiful People ESPs towards the end of your mod lineup. Since you state other mods are affecting BP, if the latter load afterwards, you shouldn't see any changes.

Ok, I will try that. I only move the ESPs towards the top, because I read somewhere they were supposed to be up there. I will first try to run BOSS again then do that if BOSS doesn't. Thanks.

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