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SkyEdit - Question about Conditions on Spells


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I'm working on a mod for Vampirism and one of the things I'm trying to do is get the VampireSunDamage0# SPELs so that they only apply when standing in direct sunlight. The conditions on the effects for each "spell" are:


Reference Function Param1 Param 2 Op Value

n/a GetInWorldSpace Sovngarde 0x00000000 == 0

n/a GetGlobalValue GameHour 0x00000000 <= 19

n/a GetGlobalValue GameHour 0x00000000 >= 5

n/a IsInterior 0x00000000 0x00000000 == 0


There's a function call GetLightLevel which I's like to add to these conditions so that if the light level when outside is ALSO >= 40 then the condition applies. If lower than 40 then it won't. However, when applying that condition it negates the effect altogether.


Through working in the console I found that GetLightLevel only works when an object, such as the player, is selected. This implies it takes a reference as opposed to a parameter, which can be verified by calling Player.GetLightLevel which will return the light level currently applied to the player.


"Player", however, is not a valid Reference. When going to 3rd person view, and clicking on the player, the reference # is 0x00000014 but putting 0x00000014 into the Reference field returns an error when closing out of the condition dialog that says "Failed to save the condition!" Error Details: Unkown record '0x00000014'.


Any idea how to get the player light level considered in the Condition dialog?



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Just a hunch, but I think the base formID of the player is 0x00000007.



Hi Jim,


Thanks for the reply Jim! You are correct, I also did a search through SkyEdit for Player and found the NPC_ base reference as same. Unfortunately it doesn't take the value as a reference. Honestly, I'm not sure what values are supported in the reference field.


Additionally, I noticed that conditions are randomly dropping off of the last effect in the SPEL effect list and not saving, along with some other oddities so it may just not be fully or properly implemented yet.


Thanks again!

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