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Desk terminals?


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Does anyone know if any mods add terminals that can be placed on desks? I'm making a little office area in Sanctuary, but the only terminal that I have for my workshop is the vanilla one with the stand. Any suggestions appreciated, and thanks in advance!

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"when i try to place the desktop terminals on a desk or table they float above it, they dont actually sit on the desk, almost like they still have the stand attached like the others do"


Reading the comments is also useful :wink:




Srsly tho, that looks like a nifty idea if he can fix the floaters. Even without a fix, I might see if you can disguise the gap somehow. Thanks for the link! Now I need to recolor one to look like my old Commodore PET.

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Yeah, I'm not too sure about that one. I may download it and give it a try, but if the terminal is gonna float on the desk, I probably won't even bother keeping it. Just out of curiosity, what keywords did you use to find that mod? And which field did you enter it into.

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Sounds like the mod has a collision problem, it won't actually harm your game in anyway. Place Everywhere gets around that.


There's a search field at the top of the game side of Nexus, I literally just typed in "terminal" into the file name field. If you click on advanced search you can search by description field instead.

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  • 3 months later...

Looks like Ethreon came through for us! http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21213/?

Unfortunately, these terminals can't be connected to anything. The author mentions integrating it into something called "VE", where they would have connectors. What is this VE, and does it have those terminals?


There really aren't that many other terminal mods out there, I only found this and the RobCo Terminals one, which has some issues. I suppose some other settlement object mods contain terminals, but don't advertise it in the description. I had some mod which had a wall terminal which could snap to vault walls, but I can't find it anymore...

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