PowderedSugar Posted January 11, 2017 Share Posted January 11, 2017 (edited) Hello all, I've just finished work on a new house mod, and am looking for some people to run it through the paces before I put it on the Nexus. The Mod's title is The Hoarder's Chest, and you can find it in an unmarked cave near Ilinalta's Deep. (Be careful, the chest is being guarded by a troll) Features: A teleportation spell that will allow access from anywhere. When you exit the chest, you will be returned to where you teleported from. Normally, you can't teleport while in combat, but this can be changed by activating the knife on the desk in the bedroom area. An auto-sorting system, with a sort all button near the entrance. Each of the various sorting categories can be enabled or disabled for sort-all by activating the book on the desk in the bedroom area. Crafting Stands:Blacksmith's ForgeWorkbenchGrindstoneSmelterTanning RackCookingAlchemyEnchantingStaff EnchanterWood chopping blockEach stand will automatically access their associated storage containers. Display for:Daedric ArtifactsDragon Priest masksDragonborn masksBlack BooksDragon ClawsParagonsElder ScrollsBugs in JarsAuto-sort Storage for:All smithing materials (broken up by ores (and Dwemer objects that can be smelted), ingots, leather, dragon mats, and misc.)All foods, wines and raw meats (single storage for all three)Alchemy ingredientsEmpty Soul GemsFilled Soul GemsScrollsBooksNotesJournalsArrowsBoltsHeartstonesGemstones Manual storage for:Each weapon type (Separate enchanted and unenchanted storage)Each armor type (Separate enchanted and unenchanted storage)KeysFirewood 30 planters40 weapon racks (eight sets of five)23 Weapon/Shield plaques 28 Mannequins There's also a fairly long journal on the Hoarder that outlines his efforts to create the chest. It's not the best written, but I had some fun with it. If you're interested in helping me test this, please post below and I'll send you a link to where you can download the files. I'm mainly looking for things that could be improved, and generally how useful / enjoyable it is. I've been using it on one of my characters for a few days, and everything seems to work fine, so I'm not too concerned about that. (Though, please, if you find any issues, let me know) Thanks,-Powdered_Sugar Edited January 11, 2017 by PowderedSugar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eluthor Posted January 11, 2017 Share Posted January 11, 2017 I would like to test itThis chest-house seems to be a convenient and useful thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaisyMilona Posted January 12, 2017 Share Posted January 12, 2017 I'd like to help too : )When you say you are looking for things that can be improved, so you mean both functionally and esthetically? (is that last one a word? It is right? I'm not native English..) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PowderedSugar Posted January 12, 2017 Author Share Posted January 12, 2017 (edited) I'd like to help too : )When you say you are looking for things that can be improved, so you mean both functionally and esthetically? (is that last one a word? It is right? I'm not native English..) The aesthetic was sort of dictated by the concept of it being a space created inside of a chest. It's purposefully minimalist. That being said, I'm certainly open to suggestions. My main concern is how easy the house is to use as you're playing; and making sure that all the crafting stands and auto-sort system work for you. I'll send both you links to it over PM. Thanks!! Edited January 12, 2017 by PowderedSugar Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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