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Colorful nights? Mod for better color?


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I'm looking for a mod to improve the color in my game. For the most part I'm satisfied with the vanilla colors during the day. I like mods that make the light from fires flicker. Climates of tamriel is pretty good but it doesn't have a fantasy feel. It seems that all the mods I've tried make everything except the colored items darken or run together which is not an improvement, or it makes the nights to dark for the game to be playable, or it makes the bluish green dinge of night blend everything together so it's hard to distinguish one object from the rest. The night in this game sucks really bad.


What I would really like... Flickering light from fires, and I am trying to get rid of that bluish green dinge at night making it hard for me to see. I want color at night but without loosing the feel of it being night time, basically. I'm not afraid of the creation kit but I have no idea which forms cover these things. I can merge mods to get the effects if anyone knows which mods I could use.


For the most part I've always used climates of tamriel but I guess I'm just getting bored and looking for something more fantasy and vibrant. Wild weather effects would be cool too. Sideways rain, blowing trees, faster clouds, sun rays through the clouds during rain storms, more color, maybe a hurricane on the coast every once in a while. I guess it would be a little hard to animate trees, but It sure would be cool right? Know what I mean? If there aren't any mods, how about some advice in the creation kit for changing the colors through forms and I'll go from there.


Any suggestions?

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It's alright I found a few newer weather mods that are excellent. I'm using vivid weathers, pure waters, and I replaced the sky with fantasy night sky, I've been using that for a long time. I've replaced a lot of textures along with repacking the bethesda high res textures, my game looks really good now, and the performance is much better than I thought it would be at first. Now I'm working on a soul gem mod, messing around with nifscope for the first time and striking out. So hard to keep up with all the tools for doing this crap. Eventually I would like to upload something decent, this is turning out to be a real challenge. I am working on a follower mod, soul gem mod, and of course armor mod.

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