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Sudden change in behavior - slight jerkiness


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I've been playing Skyrim SE for 64 hours now, with no problems.
Suddenly, yesterday, something changed. Now, suddenly, there is a jerkiness to the game. It is not just me, everything moving around has a slight pause to it, at roughly 1-second intervals.

Unfortunately, two things changed yesterday, I don't know which is at fault;
1. I ran FRAPS 3.5.99 for awhile, to get some screen captures in Witcher 3.
I turned off FRAPS once I discovered this issue, but it made no difference.
2. A new version of Geforce Experience was installed, though I didn't change any game settings.

I checked legacy Skyrim, and it does *not* have this periodic pause.
I checked Witcher 3, and it *might* have this pause, but much less if at all.

I tried the FPS Limiter mod, did not help.
I also turned on VSync in NVidia Control Panel, did not help.


Later, I uninstalled/reinstalled the game, this effect is still present.

Any idea what could cause this sudden change, and how I might fix it ?

My system:
Intel Core i7-3820
NVidia GTX 980
Disk: Samsung 950 Pro SSD

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Was with the new geforce experience version also geforce share activated? I'm not sure if it's the right name for it (my drivers are set up for my native language) but it's the "new" function which combines shadowplay and some features to share your recorded content.

After it caused some bugs for me, like sometimes extreme stuttering I turned it off and they were gone (also had some enb problems with it).


So I would recommend to check if it's activated or not, or to use ddu (display driver uninstaller) to completely clear the nvidia drivers and then reinstall them without geforce experience. For me the software only made problems and if you don't need something like the shadowplay functions there's no need to use it.

Reinstalling with or without geforce experience would also clear any driver related issues (if you're using constant updates instead of fresh installations every time).

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Hmm... I can't think of any mod that would cause this. More likely frametime spikes, but never had them this consistent and idk why they would just appear out of nowhere.

Did you try to monitor fps and frame time?

However, it could be hardware related, but can't think of anything else :-/ sry

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I have had to jump through a few hoops to get & keep this game smooth.


Switch off vsync in the inis & use the diver vsync. Set it to adaptive. I only use this with this game & Fallout 4.


Switch off windowed/border-less mode. My 980 tis & 1080 like this better.



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