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factions War


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how "control" the wastland?in evry society,good or bad,ppl will allways have the lust for power.


-"thers only one lord of the ring,and he do not share power".


so how many miles is the Bratherhood "territory"?do the encleve aware when you set foot in their land?


what about the rangers?the regulators?how said the are the "law"?.how "operate" the Talon company merc?

ther is allways 1 person how control all of them,like behind the scenes,secretly...

is he one how have a lot of money?resources or big army?


in the PDA map we can see the borders of any factions,and their evry land will be mark whit a difrrent colors,like the bratherhood will be paint in red and so on.and torrent will gard thier gate.

and all of then will be fighting to the higher graound.


we can jion any of them,or play whit all the card,like in "Fistfull of dollars" movie


in real life,the westland will not remain "free" for long,soon the is gonna be a war.


can i join the talon company merc?and if so can i run them eventually?can i give them order?like-"focus your gun on the Bratherhod of steel,and take over the Citydel"

or the other way oraund,join the Bratherhood,and say-"focus your resources on the Talon and wipe them out"


--man,if i knew how to mod the wastland will never be the same :thumbsup:

Edited by NetDigger
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the thing is that theres a lot of mod that give as bodygaurd.but theres really nothing to gard for...

whit faction war we can add more contents to the game.


a raider leader could emerge and start rise to power like in the pitt , a slaver one could start to think that he is ceasar , the cult of atom could start to spand and force a choice be with us or against us. but i really doubt that someone will do this

Edited by betto212
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