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Sigh... am I the only one who liked Oblivion more than Skyrim?


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i liked fallout 3 better than both and that is down to 1 thing....choices, it allowed for role playing, skyrim is a good action game but it's not an rpg as there is only 1 role to play, the 1 man army hero of skyrim


fallout also had the karma system which effects how npcs portray you, and it felt like i had an effect on the world, skyrim doesn't have that feeling, what ever i do in skyrim it seems as if the world just doesn't notice



just got fallout NV in the steam christmas sales and starting that

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i liked fallout 3 better than both and that is down to 1 thing....choices, it allowed for role playing, skyrim is a good action game but it's not an rpg as there is only 1 role to play, the 1 man army hero of skyrim


I think thats an unjustified narrow view of what a RPG is. Final Fantasy, for instance, is an RPG, despite having a linear, railroad story and gameplay experience. Deus Ex remains an RPG, despit lext to no moral choices when conducting missions.


Some RPG's involve character development through the arch of the story. Even if the story is linear and without choice, developing the character within that story defines it as an RPG. At the same time, some involve no choice in character development but plenty of choices in story.


The BEST RPG's include elements of both, and to a degree Skyrim does this. It has a much greater focus on the character development mind you, through the Perk system. That doesn't make it an Action Game.

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i think skyrim is the better game, because it has more choices to tune up your own individual character, but i miss the green trees of oblivion as well. the whole snowy landscape in skyrim is fun,but i wish it had more variety to it.
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I actually prefer the Skyrim guild quests over the Oblivion ones, especially the Dark Brotherhood.

And I like Skyrim more. Yes, it may lose its magic over time, but remember when your first IRL hour playing the game. The magic you felt then. Yes, it may be less than Oblivion's magic, but that's just because you experienced it earlier.

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And I like Skyrim more. Yes, it may lose its magic over time, but remember when your first IRL hour playing the game. The magic you felt then. Yes, it may be less than Oblivion's magic, but that's just because you experienced it earlier.


I dunno man, it hit me the minute i stepped out of that sewer in Oblivion. I was all like 'Butterflies!' and then when i hit the waters edge i was like 'Oh cool! WHats that ruin over there?'. I think i had 40 hours in before i remembere to go to the priory...


That said, i find that the initial Wow-factor of Skyrim lasted longer. It may be the less generic 'fantasy' environment, it may be the Dragons, but i still have moments where i'm giddy.


And you can actually chase and CATCH the butterflies this time. I mean, seriously!

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And I like Skyrim more. Yes, it may lose its magic over time, but remember when your first IRL hour playing the game. The magic you felt then. Yes, it may be less than Oblivion's magic, but that's just because you experienced it earlier.


I dunno man, it hit me the minute i stepped out of that sewer in Oblivion. I was all like 'Butterflies!' and then when i hit the waters edge i was like 'Oh cool! WHats that ruin over there?'. I think i had 40 hours in before i remembere to go to the priory...


That said, i find that the initial Wow-factor of Skyrim lasted longer. It may be the less generic 'fantasy' environment, it may be the Dragons, but i still have moments where i'm giddy.


And you can actually chase and CATCH the butterflies this time. I mean, seriously!


Yeah, I will remember that moment you exit the sewer in Oblivion and look around Cyrodiil forever. I couldn't decide where to go first then...

That being said, I was much less aware of trailers and all kinds of news before Oblivion's release, so I didn't really know what to expect, mainly because I only started playing the Elder Scrolls a year ago. With Skyrim, it was different. I had watched that first moment before. I don't really like the fact Bethesda chose that moment to show in a video, it takes away a bit of the magic. You know what lies ahead of you (not that much, but still). Being aware of the hype, and seeing all the things before the game releases, it really takes away some of the magic.

But as I said before, I prefer Skyrim. The setting is just more appealing to me. Man, I love dragons. If I could, I would get one as a pet. :)

Edited by ALittleBird
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I do agree to some degree, I am playing the quests in the College in Winterhold, and then all of a sudden I am the leader? I recall it being the mages university quest line being a long process in Oblivion... just to get in took a while. I don't think I can compare the graphics because wheh I was playing Oblivion my computer struggled, so I'd have to reinstall it on my new computer to give a fair comparison. I am hoping Skyrim is just a starting place and that there will me many add-ons. Sort of like the Sims, seemed every other month you could add content.


All in all Skyrim is an awsome game, with huge potential.

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