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Let's Reminisce...1 Year Ago...


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Would you still buy it, given a second chance?

Yes and no. Knowing what I know now, and seeing what I have seen with the release and content, I would definitely not buy it at release. I would wait til the Steam sale where it went down to $40 at the earliest to get it. Between the issues with immersion and playability (I'm glaring at you UI) and the constant delays of the CK release, I have only managed to be more disappointed as time moved on. Had I waited a month, I might still be playing it today in anticipation of the CK and the works I know we will see put forth by modders who are stuck waiting on the tools to be able to put their ideas into effect. As it is, I haven't been able to even force myself to fire it up in almost three weeks, and likely will not again til sometime next month assuming the CK actually goes live without any additional problems due to the Steam Workshop integration.

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