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[WIP] Belua Sanguinare Revisited


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well THIS is a vampire mod!, but i sure that a lot of people will had to say something about this mod, because your vampire its not beautiful, its not immortal, its not a god, and its not a good Character, but the evil itself, a demon walking on nirn a plague on skyrim a plague that MUST be destroyed

I always theorized that Vampires were creatures in nature that act as either parasites or symbiotes. A symbiotic relationship representing the reluctant vampire, one that attacks only out of hunger, seeking those that are more or less willing participants rather then simple prey. This would be the type to fear their own powers and exercise them only when prudence dictated as to not become comfortable with their condition. The average joe if you will. A person that is told that Vampirism is a curse and they are cursed as well. We don't see these types very often and I think that's a shame.


But you are correct, our Vampire's are not immortal nor gods. From the evil side of things, they're hunted by the Silver Hand and Vigilant of Stendarr, and people will fear and attack them if they are walking around in a starved state. Outside of that, whether you choose to be evil or not is up to you. For now, the poor people of Whiterun are my testing ground.

Oh? Not that they'd care, but the Silver Hands hunt Werewolves almost exclusively. I say almost because they also torture civilians suspected of being Werewolves. They're by far a more anti-Werewolf organization. I'd even go so far as to suspect (and I've said this before) that the Silver Hands could very well have been under the manipulation of one or more Vampires. Why?


1) Vampire Dust found on their corpses (yes, I know it's used to make Cure Disease potion.)

2) Less Werewolves means less competition for food supply (aka Man and Mer.)


There was every benefit for Vampires in the Silver Hands and none of the risk because they preyed on the fears of non-Vampires and turned them against Werewolves. Again, this is just a theory.

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I really liked the biting animation!

The thing that I'm not sure about is the weather spells, don't they seem a little bit too... OP? I would accept it if there were another 2 or 3 ranks a vampire can accent and then get it for the first time, but other then that I don't know, it kinda feels weird.

I definitely agree with phil11, need those hotkeys.


I would also say that the sun glare effect needs to be even higher. :)

Edited by deama
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That's a possible idea. My only concern with using SKSE or Script Dragon, and I've discussed some of this with Jakisthe, is I don't like having external dependencies that can break your mod IF the game executable is updated. Granted, those teams have been pretty good at getting updates out after the fact but if Bethesday updates the game engine, SKSE/Script Dragon typically break until they get their update to re-address the in memory function locations with the update.
I understand your reservations about stuff like that, and it turns out at the moment that using Extra Hotkeys wouldn't matter anyway. I actually tried the Extra Hotkeys mod out more thoroughly, and it's insufficient at the moment for what we'd need it to do. Currently, you cannot bind powers to hotkeys. It's limited to shouts, weapons, and spells. Perhaps eventually it could be useful, but as you said, it's still dependant on Script Dragon, and I've heard SD does update a lot slower than SKSE (which is usually pretty immediate).
Invade Mind, that's similar to what Jakisthe had wanted to do.... I'm curious how he achieved that! That's awesome that he did.
I know it has limitations at the moment. Like if the victim is seated or is lying down, you will be unable to move them until they're standing. And it seems like if the victim has unique abilities and is scripted to use them (like heal/ward/etc), they will do so automatically without your control. Mainly, you can use it to move the victim- the only way to attack with them is to open the console and type "toggleai" or something. Kieranh7 said he thought it was funny to run victims into a pack of wolves or off a cliff, lol. Stuff like that. Unfortunately, it looks like you might need a script extender to do anymore than that, and well, haha, we've kind of covered that base already.
Tempted to look, but I also don't want to be influenced by other mods directions...although we all seem to have some similar goals and ideas. Sometimes you need inspiration as you get "locked" into one state of mind.
I understand. I will try to send Kieranh7 this way again so you might be able to discuss "invade mind" and other stuff, but perhaps he feels the same way about being influenced by other mods' directions. :wacko:
Thanks for all your ideas and feedback Phill11. I hope I can reward it soon. -MM
You're very welcome, I'm happy to contribute in any way I can. I wish I could be of more use actually, but I'm totally ineffectual on the technical side of things, like modding, scripting, or animating. Maybe eventually when I've put some time into actually learning any of it... lol. Then I could at least keep up with the conversation when people start pulling out all their modding jargon. :wallbash: Edited by phil11
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I can't put a lot of time into it right now but in a few weeks I'll have tons of time.

How many of these items are implemented? or are they all just planned at this point.

Props for trying this, I hope you succeed. Have you view the Vampire FX mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10898)?

Not as advantageous as this but it is really good.


Not sure if this is planned but you also need a hypnotize option/spell. If your will is stronger than an NPC's there is a change to hypnotize that NPC. The higher your will is above the NPC's the greater chance it will succeed. If you do succeed you gain that NPC as a loyal follower until dismissed.


Also do you have embrace or siring planned. The ability to create new vampires.

Edited by nskin039
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I can't put a lot of time into it right now but in a few weeks I'll have tons of time.

How many of these items are implemented? or are they all just planned at this point.

Props for trying this, I hope you succeed. Have you view the Vampire FX mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10898)?

Not as advantageous as this but it is really good.


Not sure if this is planned but you also need a hypnotize option/spell. If your will is stronger than an NPC's there is a change to hypnotize that NPC. The higher your will is above the NPC's the greater chance it will succeed. If you do succeed you gain that NPC as a loyal follower until dismissed.


Also do you have embrace or siring planned. The ability to create new vampires.


Yes, many of them are implemented and I am running alpha tests now to iron out the serious stuff before we run a closed beta for balance.


Hypnotize is...implemented to a degree. At higher levels of vampirism, your bite automatically "charms" a person so they don't raise an alarm if you're caught by them. What's more, there is a charm spell at higher levels, used to mask the fact that you're starving.


As it stands now, you can create thralls, of sorts, IE, slaves who will fight for you, and we're working on implementing multiple followers. Making more vampires, however, run's into one of two issues:

1)They go about their daily lives as before, but with the added bonuses/negatives of being a vampire. Changes almost nothing, as the changes won't be pronounced at such a low level.

2)MM somehow works his magic and creates a need to feed for the AI vampires. However, I can't even begin to imagine the difficulty inherent in rewriting AI changes both on the micro (ie, do they hide? fight? use their powers correctly?) and macro (how does the disease spread thru cities? can it be stopped as people become aware?) levels.

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Jakisthe found some serious snafus in my latest build, but we've squashed MOST of those today. We're still discussing the issue of restoration and here's my thoughts on this.


1) Restoration spells remain enabled for the Vampire

2) Restoration spells that are cast on SELF do little to nothing

3) Restoration spells cast on others, works just fine

4) We had planned that potions would be ineffective on vampires, meaning you can't regain health, magicka, or stamina via potions (at least from Master on is the plan)

5) Food has no benefit either, which leaves three ways to get health


* Darken (Melee)

* Blood Rend (Spell/Absorb)

* Planned to allow consuming human hearts (Coming soon?)


So, I got to thinking about this. Human Hearts are actually VERY rare in the game and besides, there are more than just Human's in the games. What about Elves, Argonians, and Khaijit? So I wrote up a proof of concept that's currently working well. It works like this. When someone within 100 feet of you dies, they get a "Detect Blood" (think very feint detect life, that's dark red) effect. You have 10 seconds to harvest the heart from the newly dead. If you get to the victim in time, you'll have two options. 1) Harvest Heart and 2) Search blah blah body. If you harvest the heart, you'll get an appropriate animation.


Hearts restore you to full health and you CANNOT harvest a heart in combat. It also takes 2-3 seconds to harvest a heart so assuming 3 people all died at once and you were out of combat, you'd still be hard pressed to harvest all three hearts. I can even make the harvest a RANDOM chance thing if need be.


And because I bought FRAPS just for this project, I had to do a test demo. Let us know what you think, whether it should stay or go.




And yes, I was invincible in that fight....I still had one of the bugs Jakisthe found...like...300,000% Health regeneration.



Edited by MofoMojo
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I really liked the biting animation!

The thing that I'm not sure about is the weather spells, don't they seem a little bit too... OP? I would accept it if there were another 2 or 3 ranks a vampire can accent and then get it for the first time, but other then that I don't know, it kinda feels weird.

I definitely agree with phil11, need those hotkeys.


I would also say that the sun glare effect needs to be even higher. :)


I'll get a higher resolution Glare demo and we can get some feedback on that. To me, at Sire, the glare is pretty rough. Jakisthe mentioned the same thing on the Fog and Storm spells, and I tend to agree. I proposed a change and waiting on feedback but gone ahead and implemented it for now. Those spells are simply Powers now. They can be cast once a day. To compensate, they last for 3 minutes. Enjoy your cloud cover while you can. That means Sire's get two spells (that's when they get conjure storm) for a total of 6 minutes.


While I don't tend to use them in the demos because I'm always testing stuff out and my needs change, Favorites are your friend! :) You can bind anything in your favorites to a number 1-9 (I think 9 is the highest). Do we really need more than that?




Edit: While doing the demo, I became painfully aware that the change in glare between Fledgling and Progenitor is not that noticeable whereas Porgenitor to Sire was. Oddly, each level increases at the same rate so I'm unsure of why there's such a difference. I went back and changed it. The glare is much more pronounced now so .... demo incoming. Basically Master is the level of glare that Sire was previously and Progenitor and Sire are even more so. High Res demo incoming....







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Wow on all the progress made. Have you made progress on glare?

How does glare increase?

Is it based on a percent of former glare, like risen glare is 125% of the fledgling glare? If so, you could have compounding at progenitor.


Anyway, I am really happy that people are putting so much work into this mod. It will be epic because of the teamwork of MofoMojo and Jakisthe, and the forum




P.S. MM, do you have a youtube channel where all the videos you have uploaded are? Be really cool to have everything in one place.

Nevermind Clicked on the video and found your username/channel thing.

Edited by FranzLiszt
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