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[WIP] Belua Sanguinare Revisited


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Favorites are your friend! :) You can bind anything in your favorites to a number 1-9 (I think 9 is the highest). Do we really need more than that?


8 is the highest. And I actually think a spellcaster might need more than that, if you factor in weapons and shouts as well. It can get crowded, and constantly opening the favorites menu, even with the Categorized Favorites mod, can be a bit immersion breaking after a while.


Anyway, the idea to be able to eat fresh hearts is good! However, it necessarily being "fresh" should only apply to normal enemies. That is, if you're going to implement the idea for Dragons, Vampires, or other unique enemies where you get some extra bonus for eating their heart; there shouldn't be a timer for getting those. As for animal hearts, if you made it so that you only had, say, a 15% chance to extract the heart for a Sire (and less chance at lower ranks), you could probably make it work. After all, higher ranked Vampires will need more options for restoration, especially considering how much damage they suffer per second from sunlight.

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Hmm. Here's my thought on the hearts:

-Dragon Hearts...maybe. I don't know how much I'd be for them adding a permanent change to m/h/s, for the reasons MM mentioned above. What's more, I dunno if it'd be a good idea for a flamable creature to ingest the power source of a creature which bursts into flames...but maybe this could have the effect of applying an 8 hour long buff, applying a 1.5x multiplier to fire damage dealt(as they are magical creatures which all burst into flame regardless of species/attacks suggesting that they're powered by fire regardless) and +50 each to your m/h/s maximum for the duration only? I tried looking on wikis to see if there is any inherent power in dragon heart ingredients...but turns out they don't actually exist... :mellow:


-No animal hearts, I think...animals are pretty plentiful, and don't want to make it too ridiculous...especially since they don't attack at a certain levels, they in effect become mobile chests which you need to beat the "potions" out of :T


-Briar hearts! Could buff magica(+40 to max) and block(+20) for 4 hours. Those are the effects of the actual briar heart ingredient, made...well, useful. They also seem to be skilled in magic moreso than blocking, judging from when I fought them, hence the greater boost to magica. Only issue is that they're tied to a quest, and occasionally glitch it out...


-Eating hearts over time: I don't think this really fits...I mean, that means they're slowly eating it, right? Which would dry it out? And then it just becomes a lump of muscle. Same goes for having to eat it soon after harvesting...of course, this is harder to program out (although experience has taught me not to underestimate MM), but having a +1000 to m/h/s item available whenever you want seems...powerful. They'd have to be toned down, which still has the issue of it seeming odd that a vampire could wait a while to eat a heart over time (and comparatively devaluing the point of eating the heart then and there). Of course, eating them instantly makes them less of an item and more of an "on death spell".

I suppose the best solution would be to have hearts heal (100-1.66m)% of what they normally would, where m=the number of minutes post harvest. That way, it is most effective immediately, but becomes less and less useful as it "dries up", and after an hour...useless!

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Hmm. Here's my thought on the hearts:

-Dragon Hearts...maybe. I don't know how much I'd be for them adding a permanent change to m/h/s, for the reasons MM mentioned above. What's more, I dunno if it'd be a good idea for a flamable creature to ingest the power source of a creature which bursts into flames...but maybe this could have the effect of applying an 8 hour long buff, applying a 1.5x multiplier to fire damage dealt(as they are magical creatures which all burst into flame regardless of species/attacks suggesting that they're powered by fire regardless) and +50 each to your m/h/s maximum for the duration only? I tried looking on wikis to see if there is any inherent power in dragon heart ingredients...but turns out they don't actually exist... :mellow:


-No animal hearts, I think...animals are pretty plentiful, and don't want to make it too ridiculous...especially since they don't attack at a certain levels, they in effect become mobile chests which you need to beat the "potions" out of :T


-Briar hearts! Could buff magica(+40 to max) and block(+20) for 4 hours. Those are the effects of the actual briar heart ingredient, made...well, useful. They also seem to be skilled in magic moreso than blocking, judging from when I fought them, hence the greater boost to magica. Only issue is that they're tied to a quest, and occasionally glitch it out...


-Eating hearts over time: I don't think this really fits...I mean, that means they're slowly eating it, right? Which would dry it out? And then it just becomes a lump of muscle. Same goes for having to eat it soon after harvesting...of course, this is harder to program out (although experience has taught me not to underestimate MM), but having a +1000 to m/h/s item available whenever you want seems...powerful. They'd have to be toned down, which still has the issue of it seeming odd that a vampire could wait a while to eat a heart over time (and comparatively devaluing the point of eating the heart then and there). Of course, eating them instantly makes them less of an item and more of an "on death spell".

I suppose the best solution would be to have hearts heal (100-1.66m)% of what they normally would, where m=the number of minutes post harvest. That way, it is most effective immediately, but becomes less and less useful as it "dries up", and after an hour...useless!


I'm trying to think of how I could possibly keep track of how long a specific heart has been in your inventory. Technically it's an object, I can have a script tied to it, but I don't think eating it will trigger onactivate. If it does, then I can probably script hearts and do just that. Right now, it just provides an alchemical heal effect only for our Vampires. No scripting at the moment.


Jakisthe, The reason I chose 1000 for healing is that you had mentioned eating hearts restores all health, and pretty much I figure that's the highest anyone will have (although I could be dead wrong).


As for Animal Hearts, I'm going to leave that alone. Same for Vampires, and Dragons and other NPCs at the moment. Just know that it's possible and not necessarily out of the question. I just don't want to get into more scope creep. :)


Finally... Journal Work has begun. I can't get dynamic TEXT into the journal outside of the player's name and other object names, so saying you're a "Sire" or "Fledgling" is beyond the base implementation, however you can put GlobalVariables inside the text. DANG why can't global variables be STRINGS?!?!? I have an idea on how to say that you're a "Sire" or whathave you..I just need to create some objects with those names, and assign them to the alias at appropriate times. Oooohhh....happy. (EDIT)


Here's a sample: Anyone know how to link to an actual image on steam so the image tags work?




Edit: Think I CAN do "Sire", "Fledgling", etc,....just some trickery involved.

Edit2: Trickery Achieved. I can dynamically tell you what vampire level you are in the journal now.

Edited by MofoMojo
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Hmm. Here's my thought on the hearts:

-Dragon Hearts...maybe. I don't know how much I'd be for them adding a permanent change to m/h/s, for the reasons MM mentioned above. What's more, I dunno if it'd be a good idea for a flamable creature to ingest the power source of a creature which bursts into flames...but maybe this could have the effect of applying an 8 hour long buff, applying a 1.5x multiplier to fire damage dealt(as they are magical creatures which all burst into flame regardless of species/attacks suggesting that they're powered by fire regardless) and +50 each to your m/h/s maximum for the duration only? I tried looking on wikis to see if there is any inherent power in dragon heart ingredients...but turns out they don't actually exist... :mellow:


-No animal hearts, I think...animals are pretty plentiful, and don't want to make it too ridiculous...especially since they don't attack at a certain levels, they in effect become mobile chests which you need to beat the "potions" out of :T


-Briar hearts! Could buff magica(+40 to max) and block(+20) for 4 hours. Those are the effects of the actual briar heart ingredient, made...well, useful. They also seem to be skilled in magic moreso than blocking, judging from when I fought them, hence the greater boost to magica. Only issue is that they're tied to a quest, and occasionally glitch it out...


-Eating hearts over time: I don't think this really fits...I mean, that means they're slowly eating it, right? Which would dry it out? And then it just becomes a lump of muscle. Same goes for having to eat it soon after harvesting...of course, this is harder to program out (although experience has taught me not to underestimate MM), but having a +1000 to m/h/s item available whenever you want seems...powerful. They'd have to be toned down, which still has the issue of it seeming odd that a vampire could wait a while to eat a heart over time (and comparatively devaluing the point of eating the heart then and there). Of course, eating them instantly makes them less of an item and more of an "on death spell".

I suppose the best solution would be to have hearts heal (100-1.66m)% of what they normally would, where m=the number of minutes post harvest. That way, it is most effective immediately, but becomes less and less useful as it "dries up", and after an hour...useless!

I almost choked on a bagel reading some of this, lol. Especially visualizing the absurdity of walking around in town clutching a human heart, casually nibbling on it at your own leisure, and worrying that your snack might dry out into a hollow lump of muscle. Haha ewww. Beating the potions out of defenseless animals also sounds pretty hilarious. And now I feel kind of guilty that stuff so repulsive is that funny.


Okay, so what about being able to carry one (and only one) unique container (a vampire's phylactery, or something) that would allow you to preserve blood or the remnants of a heart inside? The container could be part of some quest or something eventually, but you could just say it has magical properties allowing it to preserve remains, ie suspend the decomposition of all organic materials. That way you'd have a very small reserve 'potion' available, but nothing that would be too overpowered. Of course you'd need to playtest it to get its exact healing power right. You could also give the player a choice for the phylactery's use: for example, you could allow the collection of heart tissue that would be (I'm guessing here) only ~40% effective, or instead allow the collection of a small amount of blood that would sate your thirst a little. That way, if you wanted to explore some crypt full of nothing but draugrs, you either have a one-time-use emergency potion, or a vamp drink to temporarily postpone your thirst. Just a thought, it could be cool.

Edit2: Trickery Achieved. I can dynamically tell you what vampire level you are in the journal now.
Genius! Edited by phil11
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Okay, so what about being able to carry one (and only one) unique container (a vampire's phylactery, or something) that would allow you to preserve blood or the remnants of a heart inside? The container could be part of some quest or something eventually, but you could just say it has magical properties allowing it to preserve remains, ie suspend the decomposition of all organic materials. That way you'd have a very small reserve 'potion' available, but nothing that would be too overpowered. Of course you'd need to playtest it to get its exact healing power right. You could also give the player a choice for the phylactery's use: for example, you could allow the collection of heart tissue that would be (I'm guessing here) only ~40% effective, or instead allow the collection of a small amount of blood that would sate your thirst a little. That way, if you wanted to explore some crypt full of nothing but draugrs, you either have a one-time-use emergency potion, or a vamp drink to temporarily postpone your thirst. Just a thought, it could be cool.

Edit2: Trickery Achieved. I can dynamically tell you what vampire level you are in the journal now.


Perhaps in a future release. For now, I'm going to leave hearts alone and we'll collect feedback. I honestly think you're going to want a way to regenerate health, magicka, and stamina at higher levels since you won't be able to consume potions or use restoration spells (on yourself). While it makes sense from a realism aspect I think NOT being able to harvest willy nilly, and having the percentage chance for getting a healthy heart vs. damaged heart will help keep this balanced to some degree. I could be entirely wrong, which means we may need to balance the percentages of getting a healthy heart down even more. (75% at Sire). Also consider this...


Night time provides a 40% increase in stamina recovery. We think of this as something night time just provides. It doesn't matter whether you're inside or outside or what. Right now, I'm wondering if it makes sense to DISABLE all health, stamina, and magicka regeneration during daylight hours (kind of the way it was in vanilla) but only damage you when in sunlight. To me this does a more realistic (if I can be allowed the continued use of the word) approach to tie Vampire's to the cycle of Darkness/Light.


Quick Status Update:

I completely re-organized and re-wrote much of the PlayerVampireScript early early this morning. That probably means I introduced a lot of bugs so I need to get a thorough testing done. I probably broke a lot. Let's just say it compiles, but I can't test it yet. The good thing is that it simplified a lot of the previous work I had done, and makes it easier to follow. Now I need to figure out how to hook into the player's sleeping events which will actually be responsible for triggering progression and regression (assuming satiation and starvation requirements are met). For now, no sleeping is required for sake and ease of testing/sanity.


Implementing the journal is pretty much done. Right now it just shows up in your inventory. Eventually I plan to have a courier bring it to you and then run off in fear of his/her life.



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Hmm. On one hand, it seems like if vampires stuck to the shadows and weren't exposed to light, which would still be pretty difficult during the day I'd imagine, they should be able to regenerate health, stamina, and magicka the same as if it were night. After all, most vampire lore suggests, based on their reaction to sunlight, that it's actually varying types and amounts of EM radiation, particularly UV, that hurts them. So, one might think sticking to the shadows would be as sufficient as staying indoors for them. On the other hand, the idea that there is some mystical property of the night that would enhance vampire powers is also very interesting. But what about the time of day would actually help vampires (aside from the light)? Pfffff, I shouldn't really try to overanalyze or rationalize something like vampires as if they're explainable or compatible with modern science, haha. I mean I don't try to rationalize magic in Skyrim. And the night is just magical.


As far as balance goes, it might be overkill to remove the regeneration when inside during the day. I mean, if you're going to go spelunk some cave, you needn't worry about the time of day it is if you're already safely away from all sources of natural light. It seems like vampires would be right at home inside a cave or crypt or even someone's home, so long as they were away from the sun. And fire. So.. what I humbly suggest is giving them a boost to regeneration at night, and only like 50% of that boost during the day if they're out of the sun. That way, they're definitely weaker during the daytime irrespective of location, but they can still heal quickly and remain tough if they're smart and stick to the shadows.



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hmm maybe just make it half of normal if you have a item or are not starved but if you dont have it or are starved it compleetly stops?


Phill11 and ElricShan,


You both bring up good and valid points. I think for now I'll leave it on. I really have to stop thinking too much about this myself. I've got enough to finish working on :). Playtesting will give us a lot of feedback on where it is. I will say this. I just created a level 1 vampire (gave myself the disease while I was in the starter dungeon and rested for 3 days) and it's certainly no cakewalk as a level 1 Vampire Fledgling so removing regen during daylight could be murderous.


Ironed out most of the bugs I had with reworking the vampirism script, along with problems with keeping the Vampire Journal in inventory and populating with the correct text on restart of the game. Bugs I didn't realize I had. lol.


A little more play testing, and then perhaps try to check off the sleeping requirement for progression regression and player choice. Here's a sneak peak at the journal text. Let me know what you think:




<font face='$HandwrittenFont'>

Hello, <i><Alias=Player></i>, my <Alias.Race=Player> <Alias.ShortName=VampireTitle> friend.


During your adventuring you were turned at <Global.Hour12=BeluaGameDayTurned>:<Global.Minutes=BeluaGameDayTurned> on the <Global.TimeSpan=BeluaGameDayTurned> of <Global.Day=BeluaGameDayTurned>, <Global.MonthWord=BeluaGameDayTurned> <Global.Year=BeluaGameDayTurned>.


It is currently: <Global.Hour12=GameDaysPassed>:<Global.Minutes=GameDaysPassed> on the <Global.TimeSpan=GameDaysPassed> of <Global.Day=GameDaysPassed>, <Global.MonthWord=GameDaysPassed> <Global.Year=GameDaysPassed>.


Current Vampirism Stats:

Level: <Alias.ShortName=VampireTitle>

Satiation: <Global=BeluaSatiatedLevel> out of <Global=BeluaMaxSatiatedLevel>.

Feed Kills: <Global=BeluaSatiationKillsInCurrentLevel>

Health % Drained: <Global=BeluaSatiationDamageInCurrentLevel>

Days Starved: <Global=BeluaGameDaysStarvedInCurrentLevel>


Next Level Requirements:

Satiation: <Global=BeluaSatiationDamageRequiredForNextLevel>

Feed Kills: <Global=BeluaSatiationKillsRequiredForNextLevel>

Health % Drained: <Global=BeluaSatiationDamageRequiredInCurrentLevelForProgression>


If you starve yourself for <Global=BeluaGameDaysStarvedForPreviousLevel> day(s) you may regress into a previous state.


Some notes I have taken for you, the rest you will need to figure out on your own.


Within our ranks there are five stages of metamorphis possible as a Vampire. The weakest is the Fledgling, followed by the Risen who strives to Master their abilities. As a Master Vampire, they have left all humanity behind, a force to be rekoned with and even still they may grow stronger. Through greater effort they may become a Progenitor and ultimately a Vampire Sire, who's only limits are bound by their own personal progress and skills.


As a simple Fledgling, you will begin to notice certain changes in your abilities. You'll have a slight edge over those that you are in combat with, a mere shadow of your potential strength. You still hold on to much of your humanity and thus your latent dark gifts will not be readily apparent. While holding onto that humanity and our blood coursing through you veins, you'll have a much sharper tongue when speaking with others. You should enjoy this passive gift, as it will not last.


You will find over time that you gain a thirst for blood which can only be satiated by feeding upon the living. It is through the act of feeding that you empower yourself to become stronger. When you have fed enough and perhaps even drained enough victims, you must enter a deep sleep in order for the metamorphis to take effect. These are our ways. If you are weak of mind, courage or desire, you may resist the metamorphis but only the weak would choose to not embrace the change.


Stay mindful of how satiated you are. If you allow yourself to drop too low you will gain a blood lust and will sense the blood of the living everywhere you go as a constant reminder to feed. If you starve yourself completely, your true nature will be revealed to others, and fearing our kind they will attack you on sight.


As a vampire you should always be wary of the sun. Our dark gift cannot survive the radiance of direct sunlight, our blood will boil and eventually it will kill us if we are not quick to escape into the shadows or the safety of indoors.


Similar to the radiant sunlight, we are weaker to fire. Even Dunmer blood provides no safety. Again, be wary of encounters with fire and flame and know too that fire can amplify the radiance of the sun. Where you may find yourself in the safety of the shade on a sunlit day, fires and magical sources of light can amplify the sun and force harm upon you.


Like fire, we are also weak to silver weapons. Silver weapons will burn like fire and do additional damage. This weakness, and our weakness to fire, will only get worse as your dark gifts get stronger and you progress to the higher ranks of Vampirism.


The last of our weaknesses is Garlic. Those who carry garlic will be protected by our dark gifts. You will be aware of it's presence by the stench that rises from those who possess it. It is so pungent to our senses that the odor is practically visible! Be aware, that as you progress through the ranks of Vampirism that even the act of carrying garlic may kill you.






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