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[WIP] Belua Sanguinare Revisited


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One additional comment for those that might have experienced the progression bug. You cannot progress if you have less than 25 satiation, and since the progression bug will cause you to zero out your satiation .... once you have the fix in place you may find that you still can't progress because you're starving.


To work around that, from console you can enter the following cheat:


Set BeluaSatiatedLevel to 26


That will put you over the satiation requirement for progression to occur. But please don't use the cheat to get around satiation implementation otherwise as we need good feedback on whether the drop duration is too quick, or too much.



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And one more update. Sorry for the updates all, but the fix I implemented was really just a very quick fix to make sure you could progress. it introduced a delay in hunger management kicking in after sleep causing you to NOT lose satiation from sleeping less than 24 hours until an hour (in game time) after you woke up.


That has been updated so if you want, you can use the same URL as the previous post to redownload one more updated mm_BeluaVampireQuestScript.pex file.




Edit: And also, please let me know if you HAVE NOT been able to get the harvest heart effect to show up.... it should show up just like Sense Blood when ever an NPC is killed and lasts for 10 seconds. If you're still in combat you can't harvest a heart but generally speaking if your last combatant was a living breathing NPC you should be able to harvest a heart.


I'm asking because I've had the effect on my save game so long that when I finally switched levels today working on the progression bug I just noticed it stopped working.... I have fixed it in my build but do not know if the problem persisted in the release. I would like to be sure that it's working for you guys as it's another integral part to game balance. Thanks!

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So some changes continuing in the background. I finally managed to add some additional danger to resting. Well, it was already there but since I was ummmm....fixing.....things in the sleep events in our vampire quest I figured I'd work out some additional tweaks. To keep spoilers down for those that haven't yet experienced part of it...I'll wrap this in a spoiler tag.




So, when sleeping...there's a VERY small chance that you might be attacked. It's been in the builds since before the beta and the base chance is 5% + your Vampire level. Really, anything higher than that would probably be annoying. So what changed?


Well, in fixing the progression bug, the problem was that I had at one point allowed you to NOT decrease satiation if you were sleeping.... AND I implemented checks to ensure that if you were < 25 satiation that you couldn't progress. I had removed (a while back) the satiation preservation meaning that you'd lose satiation on sleep again...and since that change, I hadn't actually met requirements to progress again in my main save...so I never caught the bug.


Well, tonight...to fix the problem, I added back in saving your satiation...but ONLY if you slept for 24 hours. Sleep for 23 hours, and you're probably going to wake up with a hangover and a severe case of hunger. Ok, no hangover but you get the picture.


So the thing with the "ambush when sleeping" attack is that I really wanted it to interupt your sleep and I couldn't figure out how to get it to do just that...until tonight. So now, when you've met those requirements to progress... and you go to sleep 24 hours....know in the back of your mind that there's a 6-10% chance that your sleep could be interrupted at some hour between the 1st hour you went to sleep, and the 23rd.


Ultimately that could work to your advantage since you'll be in kick butt hunger mode if it's the 23rd hour, but ... it's also going to force you to potentially HAVE to deal with hunger, no matter how careful you are at staying satiated.




I hope you guys are enjoying the beta! I see that Jakisthe's been online and posting but hasn't messaged me any more showstopper bugs, so hopefully that's a good sign. I'll be AFK for the next two days most likely. Take care this weekend!



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Hey guys!

Just found this awesome mod... have to say from what i've seen i'm very impressed.

The ideas being thrown around are great(if sometimes a little wakky) and its all looking very professional.


Love the idea of a classic vamp system in skyrim, it reminds me of what vtmb could've been...

hope you peps carry this through to completion cause its looking great... Good Luck!!!



hoping for a link soon :dance:

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Thanks Userper. I'm hoping we can get something publicly releases in the next few weeks. It's been a little too quiet around here lately. :) We released our private beta on Thursday and hope to collect some good positive feedback and contstructive criticism. We'll then sift through it, implement and change what we feels right based on that feedback and then I think we'll have our public release ready. We could have just pushed out the releases in stages but we really wanted to have our a majority of the framework and Vampire changes implemented and tested rather than beta testing using public incremental builds, and I hope it will be better for it. I know there's been a lot of personal challenges for myself with the mod during its incremental phases and I know it would have turned me off as a consumer if I had to deal with them, so I'm very glad of the choices we've made so far.



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Thanks for the reply :tongue:

Maybe a slow release is for the best, lately skyrim has had a lack of polished content (midas magic, wars in skyrim not included)

so it would be nice to have something out there that works without ten patches first.

I've just watched the demonstration vid for sunlight cover... looks pretty damn awesome :thumbsup:


P.S. have you guys decided if the vamp powers (bat form, mist form ect) will be usable during the day, or will you have some other system in play?

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Well, we've set it such that it's more contingent on sunlight than daytime...since daytime could still be overcast. Off the top of my head, I can't recall if mist form is turned off while taking sun damage (as most of my tests have been with cheats to poke around for bugs), but I do know you get substantially weaker in the sun...to say nothing of the damage :P


Beta is going swimmingly, with no more show-stopping bugs cropping up, so I'm optimistic :). And welcome to the thread!

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Well, we've set it such that it's more contingent on sunlight than daytime...since daytime could still be overcast. Off the top of my head, I can't recall if mist form is turned off while taking sun damage (as most of my tests have been with cheats to poke around for bugs), but I do know you get substantially weaker in the sun...to say nothing of the damage :P


Beta is going swimmingly, with no more show-stopping bugs cropping up, so I'm optimistic :). And welcome to the thread!


Currently Mist form is the only non-passive ability that will cut out on you in direct sunlight. We don't have Bat Form implemented in the beta as there's a lot to getting it up and running. Going hungry will make you more and more susceptible to direct sunlight damage (and indirect if standing next to light sources outside even when protected by shade). I had toyed with the idea of disabling Vampire's Sprint and Vampire's Speed in the sunlight but there's something about the panicky quick movement in the sunlight when seeking shade that I enjoy so I didn't. We do still make you physically weaker in sunlight so you lose your carry fortification which can be pretty traumatic if you're close to your limit BEFORE direct sunlight kicks in and slows you down. That's happened to me on several occassions, and the stronger you are as a vampire, the more likely it will happen to you. Not fun to have your blood literally boiling you to death while you slow to a crawl because you just lost that +100 carry ability.


Speaking of that...I need to check on the fortification limits. They were supposed to be boosted and I'm not sure I did it.



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